Mrs. Garmons Gifted Glossary What do all of these gifted terms mean?
Gifted: The state of Georgia defines a gifted student as one who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual and/or creative ability, exhibits an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excels in specific academic fields, and who needs special instruction and/or special ancillary services to achieve at high levels commensurate with his/her abilities. The state of Georgia defines a gifted student as one who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual and/or creative ability, exhibits an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excels in specific academic fields, and who needs special instruction and/or special ancillary services to achieve at high levels commensurate with his/her abilities.
Horizons: Name of the program utilized in Forsyth County for serving gifted students in elementary school Name of the program utilized in Forsyth County for serving gifted students in elementary school
Collaboration: Teachers meeting to discuss educational needs and best practices for serving the needs of gifted students. At Matt Elementary, the regular classroom teacher and Horizons teacher collaborate weekly to discuss their shared students. Teachers meeting to discuss educational needs and best practices for serving the needs of gifted students. At Matt Elementary, the regular classroom teacher and Horizons teacher collaborate weekly to discuss their shared students.
Differentiated Curriculum: Courses of study in which the content, teaching strategies, and expectations of student mastery have been adjusted to be appropriate for gifted students. Courses of study in which the content, teaching strategies, and expectations of student mastery have been adjusted to be appropriate for gifted students.
Motivation: One of the four areas examined when determining gifted eligibility in Forsyth County. Motivation can be defined as having an incentive for action. Within the classroom, students who are motivated tend to take responsibility for their own learning and to take things the extra mile. One of the four areas examined when determining gifted eligibility in Forsyth County. Motivation can be defined as having an incentive for action. Within the classroom, students who are motivated tend to take responsibility for their own learning and to take things the extra mile.
Creativity: Another area examined when determining gifted eligibility in Forsyth County. Creativity is difficult to define, but is universally understood as a unique understanding of or relationship with a particular subject or skill. Another area examined when determining gifted eligibility in Forsyth County. Creativity is difficult to define, but is universally understood as a unique understanding of or relationship with a particular subject or skill.
Achievement: Something accomplished by superior effort or ability. Achievement is another component in qualifying students for gifted education. Achievement is measured using standardized tests such as the Iowa Basic Skills test. Something accomplished by superior effort or ability. Achievement is another component in qualifying students for gifted education. Achievement is measured using standardized tests such as the Iowa Basic Skills test.
Intelligence: The capacity for learning, reasoning, and understanding. Many people think of the term I.Q. when thinking of intelligence. This component of gifted services evaluation is assessed using standardized measurements such as the CogAt (Cognitive Abilities Test). The capacity for learning, reasoning, and understanding. Many people think of the term I.Q. when thinking of intelligence. This component of gifted services evaluation is assessed using standardized measurements such as the CogAt (Cognitive Abilities Test).