Evan Ensign
Franchise Fees Need 15,000 cash Need 15,000 cash Total Investment Total Investment $92,000 - $315,000 $92,000 - $315,000 Financing Financing 3rd Party 3rd Party Includes starting inventory, supplies and products Includes starting inventory, supplies and products Worked at Subway Worked at Subway
Trademarks and Name Protected Protected
Royalties 8% 8%
Where you are located? The franchise owner can determine the town but it has to be approved by Subway. The franchise owner can determine the town but it has to be approved by Subway. The location in the town can pick by the owner but approved by Subway. The location in the town can pick by the owner but approved by Subway.
Exclusive Territory Pick buy franchise owner. Pick buy franchise owner. Can’t be to close to other franchise in large towns Can’t be to close to other franchise in large towns Determined by number of sales of other franchise Determined by number of sales of other franchise
Additional Franchises Determined on sale of Determined on sale of the nearby franchises. the nearby franchises.
Start up Equipment Includes Includes Starting inventory Starting inventory Supplies Supplies Products Products
Terminate Agreement When sales are being made When sales are being made Depends on contract/ agreement Depends on contract/ agreement
Heirs Depends on the agreement that the Franchise owner has with Subway. Depends on the agreement that the Franchise owner has with Subway.
Advertising 4.5% of sales 4.5% of sales