Teacher Preparation Institution (TPI) Corrective Action Protocol Michigan State Board of Education Presentation August 11,
8/11/09 2 Purpose of TPI Corrective Action Protocol Response to June 2006 SBE Teacher Preparation Institution Performance (TPI) Score Rubric Compliance with Higher Education Act [HEA] Title II, Section 208 Provide technical assistance for Michigan TPIs categorized as “at-risk” or “low-performing”, based on TPI performance score rubric
8/11/09 3 TPI Corrective Action Status “At-risk” status designated when TPI performance score is 52 to 55 points “Low-performing” status designated when TPI performance score is less than 52 points Maximum TPI performance score is 70 points: MTTC aggregate score (30 pts), program reviews (10 pts), program completers (10 pts), candidate and supervisor survey (10 pts), diversity (5 pts), and subject area need (5 pts)
8/11/09 4 TPI Corrective Action Levels Level 1 Corrective Action: 1 st two years of “at-risk” status Level 2 Corrective Action: 1 st two years of “low-performing status or beginning 3 rd year “at-risk” Level 3 Corrective Action: beginning 3 rd year as “low-performing” or initially “at- risk” TPI beginning 2 nd year as “low- performing”
8/11/09 5 TPI Corrective Action Response Public notification Adjust program emphasis Consultation with OPPS staff Conduct TPI self-assessment
8/11/09 6 TPI Corrective Action Response Develop and Implement TPI plan of improvement Notify students of status Notify accrediting agency of status SBE may rescind approval
8/11/09 7 TPI Self-Assessment Self-assessment tool based on the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCTAF) model The Self-assessment must be conducted in the first year that an institution is designated for corrective action at Level 1 or 2. Must be updated annually
8/11/09 8 TPI Self-Study Components Part A is an institutional descriptive section, including demographic and faculty load information. Part B asks institutions to unpack their performance status and examine deeper questions of quality control, of focus and related issues.
8/11/09 9 TPI Self-Study Components Part C requires the identification of assessment mechanisms used in the program to assure quality teacher preparation. Part D focuses on the assessment of clinical practice and performance assessment of effective teaching skills.
8/11/09 10 TPI Self-Study Key Issues Review data for both the institution and Education program; Identify control points—admission decisions, feedback to feeder schools and community colleges; Identify faculty quality and involvement; Examine program use of MTTC and other assessment data.
8/11/09 11 TPI Improvement Plan Based on self-assessment, and performance score criteria including analysis of data and program control points –Establish objectives for each criteria and identify strategies for meeting those objectives –Report plan and progress to MDE
8/11/09 12 TPI Improvement Plan Follow up on impact and revise plan each year until satisfactory status achieved or program approval rescinded by SBE
8/11/09 13 TPI Corrective Action Protocol Contacts: Flora L. Jenkins, 517/ , Catherine Smith, 517/ , Steve Stegink, 517/ ,