Welcome to Curriculum Night! September 13, 2012
Teachers Language Arts and Reading Eileen Bayanati, Amelia Gillis, Ashley Hammond, Shanna Rome Math, Science, and Social Studies: Jeff Gentry Noelle Robinson Natalie Smith Andrea Stell
RTI Time Response To Intervention School-wide plan for 35 min. each day All students placed in smaller groups based on individual needs in Math/Reading Small groups: 1) Reteach 2) On-Level 3) Enrich Group needs will be reassessed periodically (changes based on needs) Prompt starting time (7:50)
Grading Policy Report Cards will be distributed every nine weeks. The Grade Scale (all subjects assigned %) A = 90 – 100B = C = 70 – 79F = below 70 Standards-Based Scale (Rdg, Math, Eng) Numbers 1 – 4 assigned based on mastery of standards Work habits also assessed on 1 – 4 scale
5th Grade Policies Homework Nightly Unexcused Absences teachers (if possible)
Goals Meeting individual needs Meeting/Exceeding all standards and benchmarks determined by state of Georgia and Forsyth County Prepare for middle school Enjoy last year of elementary school!
Behavior Sheets One behavior sheet handed out every 9 weeks Signed by parents on a weekly basis (Tuesday evenings) Daily communication between school and home Quarterly grade given for work habits – behavior sheet used to determine work habits section on report card Signed daily by teachers (as needed) for: missing assignments, late work, not prepared for class, redirected behaviors, etc…)
Sign and Return Papers Sent home one day during the week Please sign front cover sheet Sign and return papers on "return to school" side of folder
Homework Students are required to read for 75 minutes every week Parent Signature required for reading log Students should spend no more than 60 minutes on homework each night. Please stop your child after one hour, even if s/he did not finish. Math practice needs to be reinforced nightly (expect no more than 30 minutes most nights). Homework should be written in the agenda by your child! It is posted in class and time is given to write down assignments.
What is Common Core? This year Forsyth County's initiative is to implement the Common Core Standards (CCGPS).These standards can be found at: Website: App: Common Core Common Core Standards are the move towards a national curriculum. It is currently being implemented in 47 states. The standards are more complex and in-depth. This year students will be doing a greater amount of higher-level thinking. These standards only apply to ELA and Mathematics at this time.
Writing Workshop English/Grammar/Language Studies Types of Writing (Narrative/Expository/Persuasive) 10 to 15 minute Mini-Lesson 25 to 30 minutes Independent Writing (while teachers conduct student conferences/lead small groups) 5 minute Share Time
Reading Workshop 10 to 15 minute Mini-Lesson 40 minutes Independent Reading/Application of skills learned (while teacher assesses/conferences/ conducts small groups) 5 minute Share Time Daily Read Aloud Book Clubs
Readers Workshop Students are required to read a chapter book every two weeks (GPS states about 1,000,000 words read for the year). Students are required to read a variety of genres.
Social Studies History (Civil War to the present) Within this time period, your children will discover –Geography –Economics –Civics Incorporate nonfiction reading strategies into daily lessons Link to Social Studies book can be accessed from home
Science 3 major areas of study: *LIFE SCIENCE (cells, microorganisms, classification, genetics) *EARTH SCIENCE (constructive and destructive processes that change the earth) *PHYSICAL SCIENCE (matter, mass, electricity, magnetism) Health will be integrated into Science units throughout the year
Math Math Series: Houghton-Mifflin Basic Algebra, Data Analysis, Fractions, Decimals, Geometry, And Problem Solving Homework nightly practicing skills learned in class. Students can refer to their notes in their binders for help Dont be afraid to check their work and have them fix errors.
5th Grade Extras : 4-H (through the University of Georgia) Class T-Shirts *order in September* Spelling Bee *January* Oratorical Contest *2 nd Semester* Young Georgia Author Competition Field Trip (May 13th) 5th Grade Day (last day of school) Walk Through The Halls BYOT!!!
Thanks for coming! We are looking forward to an exciting year.