Partial Products for Multiplication
6 7 X 5 3 3,000 350 180 21 + 3,551 Add the partial products To find 67 x 53, think of 67 as 60 + 7 and 53 as 50 + 3. Then multiply each part of one by each part of the other and add the results. This is the distributive property. 6 7 X 5 3 3,000 Calculate 50 X 60 350 Calculate 50 X 7 180 Calculate 3 X 60 21 + Calculate 3 X 7 3,551 Add the partial products
1 4 X 2 3 200 80 30 12 + 322 Let’s try another one. Calculate 10 X 20 80 Calculate 20 X 4 30 Calculate 3 X 10 12 + Calculate 3 X 4 322 Add the partial products
3 8 X 7 9 2,100 560 270 72 + 3002 Do this one on your own. Let’s see if you’re right. X 7 9 2,100 Calculate 30 X 70 560 Calculate 70 X 8 270 Calculate 9 X 30 72 + Calculate 9 X 8 3002 Add the partial products
Partial Products This method of multiplying supports student’s knowledge of the distributive property. Students must think about the value of each number and extend their use of the multiplication facts to multiples of ten. Students also increase their ability to use estimation and mental math.