facebook March 20, 1751 King George III is at his Fathers funeral WallPhotosFlairBoxesGeorge W FrederickLogout View photos of George (5) Send George a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: The thrones of Europe Birthday: June 4, 1738 Political King and parliament Religion: Anglican Hometown: London, England Friends (4 ) Queen Charlotte King George is very sick in bed do not disturb!!! 5 people like this Those 5 people are going to get decapitated!!! Yes Sir King George to General Cornwallis Have you Found Valley Forge yet because if you get defeated Its the END of your career!!! 1 person does not like this King George to General Cornwallis Go Attack the Patriots at Valley Forge 2 people like this command. General Cornwallis to King George I navigated there camp there are 3 soldiers guarding the camp, but I think we can take like 50 soldiers! General Cornwallis to King George General Cornwallis Benedict Arnold Princess Sophia Charlotte
Personal Information facebook King George III is frustrated because he lost the American Revolution. WallPhotosFlairBoxesGeorge W. FredrickLogout View photos of George l (5) Send George a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: The thrones of Europe Birthday: July 4, 1738 Political: King and Parliament Religion: Anglican Hometown: London, England Photos Birthday June 4, 1738 Family: Married to Queen Charlotte and my 15 children Occupation Dad; king and General State: London Political Views Loyalty Role in the War King and general of the British Activities: Giving orders to the British and being a dad Interests: Politics, Exchanging letters with famous friends. Favorite Music: classical and opera Favorite Movies: King George III American Revolution, King George I,II,III Favorite TV Shows: Anything on C-SPAN, Libertys Kids, Jeopardy Favorite Books: King George the III history and King George the III Bully The Family and Events Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Friends Updated two weeks ago Contact Information Address: 2002 King Boulevard Phone Number:
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesGeorge W FrederickLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of King George 6 Photos King George 2 Photo Alums Family/Friends 5 photos Events 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo King George told his troops to start fighting.