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Presentation transcript:

Catalysts of The Civil War People of the Civil War Events of the Civil War Free Response Questions Legacy of The Civil War

An anti- slavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, it exposed countless northerner’s to the Descriptive horrors of slavery.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

1857 Supreme Court Case where a Missouri slave attempted to sue the court for his freedom. Scott based his case on the fact that his master had taken him to the free state of Illinois and Wisconsin Territory, where slave was outlawed by the Missouri Compromise. Basically, between 1834 and 1838 Scott lived on free soil while remaining enslaved.

Dred Scott Decision

Brutal battles that divided this state as citizens engaged in violent disagreements whether this state should be free or slave state.

“Bleeding Kansas”

This law required citizens to catch and return runaway slaves, actively placing Northerners into the institution of slavery.

Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

1820 agreement calling for the admission of Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, and banning slavery in the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the 36 30’N latitude.

The Missouri Compromise

16 th President of the United States

Abraham Lincoln

General of the Confederate Army

Robert E. Lee

President of the Confederate States of America

Jefferson Davis

General of the Union, would later become the 18 th President of the United States. His face is also pictured on the $50 bill.

Ulysses S. Grant

A pioneer American teacher and nurse who would be most famously remembered for creating the Red Cross Association in the United States.

Clara Barton

After escaping from slavery, this person became a leading abolitionist against slavery.

Fredrick Douglas

Speech in which the speech giver dedicated a national cemetery at Gettysburg and reaffirmed the ideas for which the union was fighting. He outlined a “rebirth of this nation” and insisted Americans to revert back to the ideals of our Forefathers.

Gettysburg Address

1862 law that made money available to states to establish universities and taught agricultural and mechanical engineering.

Land Grant College Act

Northern Civil War strategy to starve the South by blockading seaports and controlling the Mississippi river.

Anaconda Plan

Federal fort located in Charleston, South Carolina, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired.

Fort Sumter

Years of the Civil War

Describe the assassination of Abraham Lincoln (Free Response Question)

See board

(Free Response Question) Why do many historians claim that the Civil War was the first “modern war?”

See board

Create a T Chart that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of both the North and South.

See board

Describe the difference between Guerilla Warfare and Civil Warfare.

See board

Marked a turning point in the war for the North, over 55,000 troops died in these 3 days of fighting in Tennessee.

Battle of Gettysburg

The 17 th President of the United States, one of only two presidents to ever be impeached. He took over the White House upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Andrew Johnson

This 19 th Century innovation was utilized by President Lincoln and the North to quickly spread messages from one area of the country to the next.

The telegraph

All-black unit led by Union Colonel Robert Gould Shaw during the Civil War.

54 th Massachusetts Regiment

The battle ended with a massacre of surrendered Federal black troops by soldiers under the command of Confederate Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Military historian David J. Eicher concluded, “_________ marked one of the bleakest, saddest events of American military history."

The Fort Pillow Massacre

Describe the Emancipation Proclamation.

Decree by President Lincoln that freed enslaved people living in Confederate states still in the rebellion.