facebook Benedict Arnold is at war while his wife, Peggy Shippen, takes care of their children at the house. WallPhotosFlairBoxesBenedict ArnoldLogout View photos of Benedict (5) Send Benedict a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Army Birthday: January 14, 1741 Political First: Federalist Then: Loyalist Religion: Christian Hometown: Norwich, Connecticut Friends Peggy S. King G. III George W. Peggy Shippen to Benedict Arnold Come on Benedict, think of the life we could lead, being rich, having our kids go to a private school (they would grow up in a much better environment then here). You could either be rich and have a happier wife and children or you could be a grouch and staying with the unpredictable colonies. Our lives could be a lot better. I say yes and thats my final answer. The colonies dont even treat you the way they should. Peggy Shippen to Benedict Arnold I think we should accept this once- in-a-lifetime offer, we could get rich! You know me, I love my money! PLEASE!!! Ill get you ANYTHING you want, ANYTHING!!! Benedict Arnold to Peggy Shippen I dont know… maybe. I just dont want to betray the colonies. I would be known as a traitor all over the world! I know we could get wealthy, but I still dont think thats a good enough reason for betraying the colonies or General Washington. Benedict Arnold and his wife, Peggy Shippen are discussing whether to betray the colonies or not. Peggy says yes, but Arnold thinks the opposite. They are still arguing/debating. Benedict Arnold to Peggy Shippen I accepted the offer, Peggy. Happy now? I will lead the colonies to failure at the battle of Westcott. I still dont like betraying my own state, it feels wrong. Although, I suppose youre right. In some ways Im glad I accepted the offer. Benedict Arnold to Peggy Shippen King George told me I could betray the colonies for money and a spot in his army, do you think I should accept this valuable offer?
Personal Information facebook Benedict and his wife are secretly planning how they will betray the colonies and how they will escape to England. WallPhotosFlairBoxesBenedict ArnoldLogout View photos of Benedict Send Benedict a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Army Birthday: January 14, 1741 Political: First: Federalist Then: Loyalist Religion: Christian Hometown: Norwich, Connecticut Photos Birthday January 14, 1741 Family: Margaret Mansfield (3 kids) Peggy Shippen (5 kids). Occupation Father, husband, soldier. State: Connecticut Political Views First: Federalist Then: Loyalist. Role in the War Soldier, Major General, Brigadier General. Activities: Fighting in war, taking care of my wife and children. Interests: War/battle, money, his wife. Favorite Music: Yankee Doodle Dandy, Linkin Park, Muse. Favorite Movies: Garfield. Favorite TV Shows: Anything on war, Libertys Kids. Favorite Books: Connecticut Colonies. The Family and Events Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Friends Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 2271 Maple Avenue CT Phone Number:
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesBenedict ArnoldLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Benedict 6 Photos Benedicts Albums 2 Photo Alums Family/Friends 5 photos Events 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo