How to deliver presentations that influence your audience Webinar (Part 2) 21 st March 2014 Bernard Savage Director, Size 10 ½ Boots
Help you have more impact in selling your ideas Provide practical support on presentation skills Give you more confidence in delivering talks
Improve personal effectiveness by breaking down activity into 3 stages 1.Planning2.Production3.Delivery What are your objectives? Who is the audience? What does success look like? Preparing presentation slides Use of props Marketing collateral (e.g. brochures; business cards; reports etc.) Engaging your audience Influencing Call to action (i.e. what do you want people to do next?) 7 th March
“It ain’t what you say but the way that you say it” 3.Delivery
Remember the E’s EngageEnjoy EnthuseEmpathise
Some useful things to remember People remember the presenter, not the slides Even for a technical presentation content will be forgotten Understand how people learn: visual cues & ‘Power of 3’ If people buy you they are likely to buy your ideas
Posture Gesture Eye contact Distribute your weight by placing your feet in line with your shoulders Never rock or sway Resting on a leg creates a ‘lack of interest’ perception Constant nodding makes you look nervous or disinterested Smile Keep your head and chin up Appear warm and open Make eye contact with everyone, not just the senior decision maker Don’t flirt!
Recognise different preferred communication styles in delivery & use different media accordingly
A case study from UK politics: People buy on emotion first, logic second Your clients will assume that you are technically competent. Technical competence will not be the critical reason that someone instructs you ahead of your competition.
More practical stuff to help you Ask for names & refer to them Use hands to amplify your message You can walk about Rehearse in safe environment Encourage questions during talk Always have a Plan B
Manage the actual physical environment too Natural light Get Right temperature ComfortDistractions
Use a mobile clicker (not a mouse)
Give out hand outs after your presentation You don’t have to give hand outs which are copies of your slides. If large amount of technical information better to present in hand outs only
Use calls to action at end of presentation: think ‘what do I want people to do next?’
Some ideas for ‘Calls To Action’ Direct people to a page on website to download a report Offer a free health check/ audit for people who see you after talk Invite people to leave business cards by promise of ing slides Sign up for ‘Coffee Road show’
Stick to your allocated time Never over run 2 mins. per slide Add time for questions Don’t worry about what you don’t say!
How to manage nerves Adopt a persona Get a perspective Arrive early Go for a walk before How to manage your nerves
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