TERENA Updates TF-EMC2 Meeting Bologna 7-8 Nov 2011 Licia Florio
TERENA Services › TCS: ›Up and running ›NRENs satisfied ›TCS running period: ›2009 – 2012 ›Preparation has started to keep offering TCS beyond 2012 ›TACAR: ›Up and running ›New software realised in 2010 ›New policy is also available ›SCHAC: ›See Victoriano’s slides Slide 2
TERENA in the clouds? ›Call from TERENA members for TERENA to act in this area: ›Many NRENS are already offering some solutions; ›TERENA is: ›Supporting some NRENs in preparing an project proposal for the next EC call ›Working to prepare a report containing recommendations on Cloud Services in the NREN community: ›This will be done as part of the ASPIRE foresight study ›After consulting some NRENs, TERENA organised a very small meeting: ›How about run a storage pilot? ›Based on the software developed by UNINETT Sigma Slide 3
Can run on local premises Slide 4 Cloud System by UNINETT Sigma Web page WebDav Voldemort metadata Federated access Amazon Local Data encrypted - Allows to store XML properties - On many devices - Encry keys - Metadata Storage Just AES encrypted blob
Interested? ›If so please contact me or Brook Slide 5