Power Point Presentation Presentation by Kim Decatrel
End of Year June Calendar EES86/7/8-02 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 Power Point 2 Power Point 3 Final Exam Notebook Turn-in book return HW – Finish Power Point 4 No School HW – Finish Power Point 5 HW – Finish Power Point 8 Present HW = final draft 9 Present HW = final draft 10 Present Final Draft Due 11 Yearbooks After School 12 Sign Year- books 15 Sign Yearbooks Sr. BBQ 16 Regents 17 Regents 18 Regents 19 Regents 22 Regents 23 Regents 24 Regents 25 GRADUATION 26 Report Cards Regents scores
End of Year June Calendar EES86/7/8-07 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Saturday 1 Power Point 2 HW = finish PowerPoint 3 Final Exam Notebook Turn-in book return HW – Finish Power Point 4 No School HW – Finish Power Point 5 HW – Finish Power Point 8 Present HW = Final Draft and Prepare to present 9 HW = Final Draft and prepare to present 10 Present 11 Present Final Draft Due Yearbooks After School 12 Sign Year- books 15 Sign Yearbooks Sr. BBQ 16 Regents 17 Regents 18 Regents 19 Regents 22 Regents 23 Regents 24 Regents 25 GRADUATION 26 Report Cards Regents scores
POWER POINT PRESENTATION You’ve written 4 papers about the same topic and explored 4 different aspects of the topic. Consolidate each individuals research and findings into one group presentation.
Requirements 5 slides minimum, 10 maximum Minimal Info per slide Content Power Point Features Speaking Skills Effort
Content All four individual theses are incorporated main ideas key terms
Power Point Features Choose One from each menu per tab 1.Home: drawing 2.Insert: images, illustrations, links, text, symbols, media 3.Design: theme or background 4.Transitions: Transition and timing 5.Animation: animation and timing 6.Format: Shape styles, word art styles
SPEAKING SKILLS AND EXPLANATION OF IDEAS: Information is presented in a logical and meaningful sequence. Verbal explanation is clear, well-developed, organized All group members have a speaking part
Effort The PowerPoint demonstrates that a careful effort was made to be creative, expressive and accurate. Class time was well spent in preparation, slides are edited for correct English language conventions
Team Action Plan Make a plan before you begin….. Create and Share a Google doc Divide the project Assign responsibilities / slides / tasks – HW? – Who will say what? Independent work schedule
Notes: Public Speaking Skills Volume Pace Posture Body Language Confidence Speak to the audience Teach/Explain