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Cell Structure Competition Meet with lab group These pictures will be on your 1 st quiz Friday Using your pictures and scientific literature: Glue in pictures Figure out where the vocabulary words should be placed Runners will be bringing up work for checks (3 checks) Team with highest score will win (candy or NASA pencil)
Post Check Assessment Question The organelle pictured below is the _________ of a ____________ (plant/animal/prokaryote) cell. A
What came first? Prokaryotes? Eukaryotes?
Prokaryotic Cells First cells found in fossil record Characteristics: Very small Simple No membrane-bound organelles DNA (genetic material) not enclosed Example: bacteria
Eukaryotes Arrive later in fossil record Characteristics: Larger More complex Membrane-bound organelles DNA is enclosed in nucleus Example: plants, fungi, animals
Cell Organelle Foldable
Plant and Animal Cell Similarities
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Contains ribosomes; produces proteins for cell
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Does not contain ribosomes; metabolizes fats
Nucleus Control center of cell; contains DNA (genetic material)
Nuclear Envelope Thin membrane that surrounds nucleus; contains holes for material to move in and out
Golgi Body Receive proteins from the E.R and package/distribute them to parts of cell
Cell Membrane A thin membrane outside of cell that controls what enters and leaves
Mitochondria Converts food molecules into useable energy
Cytoplasm Gel-like fluid where organelles sit
Ribosomes Found in E.R and cytoplasm; produce proteins
Nucleolus In nucleus; makes ribosomes
Plant Cell Differences
Cell Wall Stiff wall surrounding membrane; gives rigid structure
Chloroplast Captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food for cell; makes plants green
Lysosomes Contains chemicals that breaks down unneeded cell parts/molecules; only found in SOME plants
Vacuole Stores water, food, and waste products. Takes up 90% of space.
Animal Cell Differences
Lysosomes Contains chemicals that break down unneeded cell parts/molecules; found in all animal cells.
Cytoskeleton Protein framework inside cytoplasm that gives the cell shape; allows for movement
Functions of Cells 1. Transport of materials (cell membrane) 2. Energy transformation (mitochondria) 3. Protein building (ribosomes) 4. Waste removal (lysosomes) 5. Information feedback (DNA) 6. Movement (cytoskeleton)
Post Check Assessment Question The organelle pictured below is the _________ of a ____________ (plant/animal/prokaryote) cell. A
Tomorrow Review the use of a microscope Practice using the microscopes
Environmental Conditions Interfering with Cells: pH- needs specific acidity to function Temperature- needs specific temperature Cell growth-an outside source may promote growth
The Role of Water in Cells Water moves through a “permeable” membrane of the cell (water can pass through) Water maintains internal pressure so cell does not collapse
Osmosis Spontaneous movement of water from a solution with a lower concentration to a solution with a higher concentration in order to equalize
Cell Differentiation Cells changing from one type to another (becoming more specified) Starts with stem cells