Reading 2 Unit 3 Visiting the masters Language Points.


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Presentation transcript:

Reading 2 Unit 3 Visiting the masters Language Points

Students’ presentation From C1216, Wang Yayu group

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2014 年上学期制作 :10 Nationality: Number of his art works: His masterpieces: Type of art: Van Gogh Amsterdam, Holland

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2014 年上学期制作 :10 Nationality: Number of his art works: His masterpieces: Dutch 800 oil paintings and 1,600 drawings Type of art: impressionism Sunflowers Starry Night (1889) The Potato Eaters(1885) Van Gogh Amsterdam, Holland

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2014 年上学期制作 :10 What have you learned from Van Gogh’s experiences?

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2014 年上学期制作 :10 Open-ended discussion Do you think we need art museums in our city? Why or why not?

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2014 年上学期制作 :10 Language focus

Words birthplace; output; media; consensus; calculate; float; shadow; reward; represent ; upwards

(1) So dark are the ___________ that a man standing there could not be seen. (2)The association was formed to _________________ the interests of women artists. (3) The film star is very concerned about the evaluation by the news ______. (4) A plastic bag was __________________ in the water. represent floating shadows media

(5) The world urban population is rocketing ______ at a rate of 6.5 per cent per year. (6) Can we reach a _________ on this issue? (7) Grain ________ reached a new high in the three years. (8) The police are offering a big _______ for information about the robbery. upwards consensus output reward

1. represent: verb [T] 1 ).They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court. This new report represents the current situation in our schools. 译 ? 这份新的报道描述了我们学校当前的情况。 2 ).In this dictionary the word “noun” is represented by the letter n. 3 ).The firm has two representatives in every European city. 4 ).Can he afford legal representation? 小王, 内容都在黑色字以后单击后再出现

2. range: noun 1) I offered her a range of options. 2) We could see a low range of hills in the distance. 4. The price range is from $100 to $ The ship was in/out of range of our guns. 5. Prices range between $50 and $250. 小王,此张先出现红色字,单击后出现其余所有内容,颜色都为黑色。

Part two: Phrases range from … to …; commit … to …; be typical of …; a variety of …

(1) There are 60 students in our class. Some of them are 18 years old, while some others are 17 or 19 years old. That’s to say: There are 60 students in our class _________________ 17 _______________ 19. ranging from to 小王,红色字单击后同时出现

(2) As we all know, Madame Curie had devoted all her life to the research on radioactivity. What about Yuan longping? He all his time finding productive rices for China commits to 小王,此张红色字单击后同时出现

(3)This wine ____________ the region. 这种酒是本地区的特产。 It ___________ him to take hard jobs. 抢重活干就是他的特点。 (4) There’s a large _______ of dishes on the menu. 菜单上有许多种菜。 is typical of variety is typical of

Part three: Sentences

Near the house where Picasso was born is a museum full of his art. subject ( 倒装 ) 2) 墙上挂着一幅毕加索画的自画像. On the wall hangs an oil painting Picasso painted. 1) 在山顶上有一座古庙, 庙的前面有一棵百年大树. At the top of the hill there is an old temple, in front of which stands a hundred-year-old tree. 小王,此张 2 )前的所有内容先同时出现,单击后出现 2 )中文, 再单击后出现 2) 的英文句子

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