Mrs. Roberts 4th Grade Class
Class Subjects The subjects we cover in fourth grade are: Reading Math Writing Conventions Listening, Speaking, Viewing Science Social Studies Technology Health (during the 4 th nine weeks)
Language Arts Reading Writing Conventions (English) Listening, Speaking, Viewing
Math Geometry Organizing data Computation Algebra Fractions Probability Perimeter/Area Percents Capacity
Science Scientific Process Ecosystems and Ecology Weather Water Cycle Solar System Sound and Light Simple Machines
Social Studies Map Skills Native Americans Explorers Colonial America The Revolutionary War Westward Expansion The Constitution The Industrial Revolution
Technology Interactive Whiteboard Laptops Writers ActiVotes
What are agendas used for? Homework Nightly reading record Conduct notes Parent/Teacher Communication
Homework Homework is assigned daily except weekends. Student is responsible for writing it down in their agenda. Studying becomes very important – study guides, flashcards and review assignments will be sent home to help students learn to study.
Grading Formative grading: 4, 3, 2, 1 Summative grade: percentage Conduct and Specials: P,S or N Check with the front office about getting a log on for parent portal.
Attendance Children are to have a note if they are absent. If there is not a note then the absence is considered unexcused. If absent, student has 5 school days to make up school work missed. Transportation Children must have a signed written note or fax to BEFORE 2PM if their mode of transportation changes.
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program The efforts of this program are designed to improve peer relations and make the school a safer and more positive place for students to learn and develop. The most researched and best-known bullying prevention program available today More Information will be coming soon.!
School Counseling Department Standards based classroom guidance lessons focusing on – Academic – Career – Personal/Social Small groups School related counseling for individuals Parent workshops Informative web pages Mrs. Ogilvy – K & 3 rd Mrs. Rogers – 1 st & 2 nd Barry Eber – 4 th & 5 th
Contact Information Phone= ext