Commission work on ‘ICT and education’untill today TWP 13 & Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG Education and Culture Contact:
ICT and education Policy context E&T 2
The European Policy Framework 3 Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, 2006/962/EC mother tongue; foreign languages; maths/science/technology; digital competence, learning to learn; social & civic competences; entrepreneurship; cultural awareness & expression Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in E&T, COM(2008) 865 Lifelong learning and mobility Quality & efficiency of E&T Equity & active citizenship Innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship SWP: The Use of ICT to support innovation and lifelong learning for all, SEC(2008) 2629 Education Innovation Research
ICT cluster under OMC – ET Representatives of 18 Ministries of Education of 18 Member States compiled key recommendations It is timely to move away from perceiving ICT diffusion and usage as a goal and instead see ICT as an enabler of teaching and learning. It is not about ICT but about transformation …” “The cluster has contributed to a fundamental change in discourse from accessibility to innovative learning through the support of ICT”. “The ICT cluster has influenced the development of improved indicators for measuring ICT use and impact. This has led to the first European-wide comparative study on the use and impact of ICT in school education”.
Lessons learned by the ICT cluster Final Report - Learning, Innovation and ICT 5 Towards a new learning paradigm Allow more learner-centred approaches Digital competences as core life and employability skills Leadership and institutional change for a renewed strategy on learning VISION future! Professional development – the teacher as learner at the centre
ICT and education EU support 6
EU support ICT in education and training programmes 7 Improving the quality and accessibility of European education and training systems through the effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) Specific objectives include: to support the development of innovative ICT- based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning Minerva Socrates Promote European cooperation in the field of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education
EU support Comenius: eTwinning for schools Support for online partnerships between two or more European primary or secondary schools Flexible, teacher friendly scheme to mainstream pedagogical use of ICT and support professional development Mainly based on joint pedagogical projects Increasing use of online Communities of Practice for teachers Quality label for good practice examples Support for online partnerships between two or more European primary or secondary schools Flexible, teacher friendly scheme to mainstream pedagogical use of ICT and support professional development Mainly based on joint pedagogical projects Increasing use of online Communities of Practice for teachers Quality label for good practice examples 8
EU support The eLearning Portal Supporting the exchange of ideas, good practice and resources in elearning across Europe and the world Open to everyone, everywhere Funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme Supporting the exchange of ideas, good practice and resources in elearning across Europe and the world Open to everyone, everywhere Funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme 9 eLearning Papers n° 2 (2007)
Studies at DG EAC Learning 2.0 (IPTS, 2008) New learning communities through ICT (IPTS, 2009) Foresight - Future of learning (incl.ICT) (IPTS, 2011) European-wide comparison of the use and impact of ICT on school education (STEPS -2009) Development of methodologies for ICT indicators (2009) Benchmarking study by DG INFSO (2012) Key data on Learning and Innovation through the use of ICT in Europe 2011 (EURIDYCE) Learning 2.0 (IPTS, 2008) New learning communities through ICT (IPTS, 2009) Foresight - Future of learning (incl.ICT) (IPTS, 2011) European-wide comparison of the use and impact of ICT on school education (STEPS -2009) Development of methodologies for ICT indicators (2009) Benchmarking study by DG INFSO (2012) Key data on Learning and Innovation through the use of ICT in Europe 2011 (EURIDYCE) 10
ICT and education And next … 11
12 EU Policy context Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) contributes to strategies and initiatives: Early school leaving Higher education attainment Making LLL and mobility a reality E&T quality and efficiency Equity, social cohesion, active citizenship Creativity and innovation Europe 2020 ET 2020 Flagships initiatives Youth on the move (Sept.2010) Digital Agenda Agenda for new skills and jobs (Nov.2010)
A new policy agenda: Europe 2020 Smart Growth Sustainable Growth Inclusive Growth Innovation « Innovation Union » Climate, energy and mobility « Resource efficient Europe » Employment and skills « An agenda for new skills and jobs » Education « Youth on the move » Competitiveness « An industrial policy for the globalisation era » Fighting poverty « European platform against poverty » Digital society « A digital agenda for Europe » 13
Europe 2020 targets related to E&T 14 Early School Leaving Higher Education Attainment (Age 30-34) % 10% at most % 40% at least
15 Digital competences in the Digital Agenda 15 Approx. 150 M Europeans (30%) has never used the Internet, especially elderly people, low education, youngsters at risk The e-Skills gap could be between 384,00 and 700,00 jobs KA 10 – The EC will propose digital literacy and competences as a priority for the European Social Fund Regulation ( ) KA 11 – The EC will develop tools to identify and recognise the competences of ICT practitioners and users by 2012 KEY ACTIONS KEY ACTIONS CHALLENGES OTHER ACTIONS OTHER ACTIONS ) The EC will: The development of a European wide Digital competence framework for all levels of education The development of an ICTsupplement to EUROPASS Propose by 2013 EU-wide indicators of digital competences and media literacy MS should: mainstream eLearning in national policies for the modernisation of education and training, including in curricula, assessment of learning outcomes and the professional development of teachers and trainers.
16 Modernisation of E&T in ’Youth on the move’ 16 Developing modern education and training systems to deliver key competences and excellence Including the ability to exploit fully the potential of ICT Propose a European Skills Passport in 2011 based on existing elements of EUROPASS … incl. ICT skills KEY ACTIONS KEY ACTIONS CHALLENGES OTHER ACTIONS OTHER ACTIONS ) The EC will: -Develop ICT skills supplement to EUROPASS -Propose by 2013 EU-wide indicators of digital competences and media literacy -Communication on competences supporting LL L - Communication on the recognition of informal and non formal learning The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the younger generation should have a tertiary degree.
17 Support MS in the integration of ICT and digital literacy in their policies in ‘New Skills and Jobs’ 17 All future jobs will include some element of digital skills Mismatch between supply and demand Enhance the right mix of skills By 2012, propose European-wide approaches and instruments to support Member States in the integration of ICT and digital literacy in their core lifelong learning policies. KEY ACTIONS KEY ACTIONS CHALLENGES OTHER ACTIONS OTHER ACTIONS ) The EC will: Launch a multistakeholder sectoral council for ICT skills and employment Policy Handbook for leaders and policy makers for schools based on the work of MS Towards an EC Communication
Quality & efficiency Innovation & creativity Equity & citizenship 18 Lifelong learning + mobility Europe 2020 ET 2020 Strategic challenges
Priorities under ET 2020 E&T have a unique role to play in enhancing the use of ICT for learning and should take up a leadership role. Actions are oriented around 3 objectives to be tackled simultaneously: 1. Increasing digital competences 2. ICT and an enhancer of innovation of E&T 3. improving the e-skills of professionals E&T have a unique role to play in enhancing the use of ICT for learning and should take up a leadership role. Actions are oriented around 3 objectives to be tackled simultaneously: 1. Increasing digital competences 2. ICT and an enhancer of innovation of E&T 3. improving the e-skills of professionals 19
1. Increasing digital competences Development of better descriptors for digital competence as a complement to the Key Competences FW Development of an ICT skills supplement to European Skills passport Development of better ‘measurements’ for the use and impact of ICT in education Support to MS (see next) Communication 2012 – Rethinking skills Development of better descriptors for digital competence as a complement to the Key Competences FW Development of an ICT skills supplement to European Skills passport Development of better ‘measurements’ for the use and impact of ICT in education Support to MS (see next) Communication 2012 – Rethinking skills 20
2. ICT and an enhancer of innovation of E&T Support to MS for mainstreaming ICT in education New Thematic Working Group under ET 2020 –On ‘ICT and education’ (24 MS involved) –Peer learning and sharing of practices –Policy handbook for policy makers –To design and support a European-wide initiative on ‘Creative Classrooms/ Creative Learning Environments’ Reinforcement of e-Twinning for other learning domains Support to MS for mainstreaming ICT in education New Thematic Working Group under ET 2020 –On ‘ICT and education’ (24 MS involved) –Peer learning and sharing of practices –Policy handbook for policy makers –To design and support a European-wide initiative on ‘Creative Classrooms/ Creative Learning Environments’ Reinforcement of e-Twinning for other learning domains 21
3. Improving the e-skills of professionals Setting up of a multistakeholders platform-forum for ICT skills ( bridge worlds of education and work) E-skills awareness week DG ENTR (first week of March 2012) Setting up of a multistakeholders platform-forum for ICT skills ( bridge worlds of education and work) E-skills awareness week DG ENTR (first week of March 2012) 22
Thank you ! 23 ‘Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow. ’ William Pollard
Thank you ! ‘Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow. ’ William Pollard The Lifelong Learning Programme: DG Education and Culture: The Executive Agency: