Customer Perceptions of Service Chapter Customer Perceptions of Service 5 Customer Perceptions Customer Satisfaction Service Quality Service Encounters: The Building Blocks for Customer Perceptions
Customer Perceptions of Service (Chapter 5) Customer satisfaction: Satisfaction is the consumer’s fulfillment response. It is a judgment that a product or service feature, or the product or service itself, provides a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment Customer satisfaction
Figure 5.1 Customer Perceptions of Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction Product/service quality Specific product or service features Consumer emotions Attributions for service success or failure Perceptions of equity or fairness Other consumers, family members, and coworkers Price Personal factors the customer’s mood or emotional state situational factors
Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction Examples: Attributions for Service Success or Failure – why was the service better or worse than expected? For poor service, ___________________ factors more acceptable Perceptions of Equity or Fairness – Have I been treated fairly compared with other customers? Did I pay a fair price for the service?
Outcomes of Customer Satisfaction Increased customer retention Positive word-of-mouth communications Increased revenues
Figure 5.4 Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Competitive Industries Source: James L. Heskett, W. Earl Sasser, Jr., and Leonard A. Schlesinger, The Service Profit Chain, (New York, NY: The Free Press, 1997), p. 83.
Service Quality Service Quality: The customer’s judgment of overall excellence of the service provided in relation to the quality that was expected. Technical outcome quality – ______________ Interaction quality – ______________________ Physical environment quality – _________________________
The Five Dimensions of Service Quality Reliability Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence. Physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel. Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers. Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. Assurance Tangibles Empathy Responsiveness
SERVQUAL Attributes RELIABILITY EMPATHY RESPONSIVENESS TANGIBLES Providing service as promised Dependability in handling customers’ service problems Performing services right the first time Providing services at the promised time Maintaining error-free records Giving customers individual attention Employees who deal with customers in a caring fashion Having the customer’s best interest at heart Employees who understand the needs of their customers Convenient business hours RESPONSIVENESS TANGIBLES Keeping customers informed as to when services will be performed Prompt service to customers Willingness to help customers Readiness to respond to customers’ requests Modern equipment Visually appealing facilities Employees who have a neat, professional appearance Visually appealing materials associated with the service ASSURANCE Employees who instill confidence in customers Making customers feel safe in their transactions Employees who are consistently courteous Employees who have the knowledge to answer customer questions
The Service Encounter is the “moment of truth” occurs any time the customer interacts with the firm can potentially be critical in determining customer satisfaction and loyalty types of encounters: remote encounters, phone encounters, face-to-face encounters is an opportunity to: build trust reinforce quality build brand identity increase loyalty
Figure 5.5 A Service Encounter Cascade for a Hotel Visit Check-In Bellboy Takes to Room Restaurant Meal Request Wake-Up Call Checkout
A Service Encounter Cascade for an Industrial Purchase Sales Call Delivery and Installation Servicing Ordering Supplies Billing
Sample Questions for Critical Incidents Technique Study Think of a time when, as a customer, you had a particularly satisfying (dissatisfying) interaction with an employee of ______________. When did the incident happen? What specific circumstances led up to this situation? Exactly what was said and done? What resulted that made you feel the interaction was satisfying (dissatisfying)?
Common Themes in Critical Service Encounters Research Recovery: Adaptability: employee response to service delivery system failure employee response to customer needs and requests Coping: Spontaneity: unprompted and unsolicited employee actions and attitudes employee response to problem customers
Recovery DO DON’T Acknowledge problem Explain causes Apologize Compensate/upgrade Lay out options Take responsibility Ignore customer Blame customer Leave customer to fend for him/herself Downgrade Act as if nothing is wrong “Pass the buck”
Adaptability DO DON’T Recognize the seriousness of the need Acknowledge Anticipate Attempt to accommodate Adjust the system Explain rules/policies Take responsibility Ignore Promise, but fail to follow through Show unwillingness to try Embarrass the customer Laugh at the customer Avoid responsibility “Pass the buck”
Spontaneity DO DON’T Take time Be attentive Anticipate needs Listen Provide information Show empathy Exhibit impatience Ignore Yell/laugh/swear Steal from customers Discriminate
Coping DO DON’T Listen Try to accommodate Explain Let go of the customer Take customer’s dissatisfaction personally Let customer’s dissatisfaction affect others Coping:
Technology-Based Service Encounters Self-service technologies (SSTs) – Customer provides his own service For Satisfying SSTs: solved an intensified need; better than the alternative; did its job For Dissatisfying SSTs: technology failure; process failure; poor design
Figure 5.7 Evidence of Service from the Customer’s Point of View Contact employees Customer him/herself Other customers Operational flow of activities Steps in process Flexibility vs. standard Technology vs. human People Physical Evidence Tangible communication Servicescape Guarantees Technology Website Process Source: From “Managing the Evidence of Service” by M. J. Bitner from The Service Quality Handbook, eds. E. E. Scheuing and W. F. Christopher (1993), pp. 358-70.