Assessment Resources for Schools
Revised Assessment Resources CRCT Revised Content Descriptions Assessment/Assessment/Pages/CRCT-Content-Descriptions.aspx CRCT Revised Content Weights Assessment/Assessment/Documents/CRCT_Content_Weights_CCGPS %20-%20August%2010,%202012%20Final.pdf
Revised Assessment Resources EOCT Content Descriptions Assessment/Assessment/Pages/EOCT-Content.aspx Assessment/Assessment/Pages/EOCT-Content.aspx EOCT Content Weights Assessment/Assessment/Documents/EOCT_Content_Weights_CCGPS _Updated% %20Final.pdf Writing Assessment Guides with CCGPS Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Writing-Assessments.aspx
Race to the Top (RT3) Resources CCGPS Formative Item Bank 750 items for Grades 3-HS in ELA and Math currently housed in OAS 750 more items (Gr 3-HS in ELA and Math) to be added in Fall 2013 Assessment Literacy / Formative Instruction Online Learning Modules (FIP) Interim Benchmarks An ELA and Math assessment for each grade by Spring 2015 (half will be available in Spring 2014)
PARCC Resources Model Content Frameworks Serve as bridge between Common Core and the PARCC assessments Sample Prototype Items Illustrative only; not all encompassing Be sure to read the supporting documentation for each item
PARCC Task Types Mathematics Type I (PBA and EOY): machine scorable, focus on major content and/or fluency Type II (PBA): Hand scored, focus on expressing reasoning Type III (PBA): Hand scored, focus on modeling/ application ELA PBA: Prose Constructed Response (PCR) EOY: Evidence-Based Selected Response (EBSR) EOY: Technology Enhanced Constructed Response (TECR)
Additional Resources Online Assessment System Formative Item Bank – Grades 3- HS Interim Benchmarks – Grades 1-HS (available ) National Assessment of Educational Progress Grades 4, 8, 12 in Sample Questions/Question Tool Released items in reading, writing, mathematics, and other content areas Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative (SVMI) K-12 Mathematics
Smarter Balanced Sample Items and Performance Tasks The other consortium (similar to PARCC) USA Test Prep Middle / High – EOCT prep contact School Test Coordinator for access code Additional Resources
Safari Resources Common Assessments for K-5 ELA and Math Unit Assessments 6 th -12 th ELA 6 th -9 th Math Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) Modules for Grades 6-12 Literacy Strategies for Grades 6-12 Performance Tasks for K-12 Houghton Mifflin Online Textbook Grades 6-8 ELA