Non Verbal Communication
What is Nonverbal Communication It is the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages.
The Basics of Nonverbal Communication People telegraph their intentions and feelings. Whatever goes on the inside shows outside. The messages that we send comes from the tone of our voice and from our body language. Nonverbal communication comes from the face, eyes, body, clothing, gestures and touch.
Examples of Nonverbal Expressions A person who crosses the arms might be expressing defiance, but may also just be feeling cold. We refer to a person’s face for insight into a person’s character.
The Eyes Eye contact or lack of might tell us something about a person’s confidence, friendliness, honesty or desire to dominate. The pupils can signify interest or disinterest. Pupils dilate when a person is interested or excited; they grow smaller when a person is bored or uninterested.
Eyes Cont. Frowns, scowls and raised eyebrows may indicate displeasure or intensity. Narrowed eyes can suggest anger, irritation or doubt.
Various Meanings of Body Language Crossed arms – sign of defensiveness, defiance or withdrawal. Hands on hips – goal oriented or ready and able to take something on. Leaning back in a chair with hands clasped behind the head – superiority, smugness or authority. Slouched posture – humiliation, defeat or submission. Turning your shoulder or body slightly away from someone – rejection of that person
Personal Appearance Someone who dresses immaculately – a careful person who attends to detail. Old fashioned dress – very conservative in his or her opinions and values. A person wearing excessive jewelry – materialistic.
The Handshake Is used as a source of data about another person. It indicates welcome, liking, acceptance and greeting. The way you shake hands is a source of data about you. A bone crushing grip can be seen as a desire to dominate and a limp grasp as a sign of insecurity or negative outlook on life. Pumping up and down in a series of jerks suggest metal rigidity, strong will and inflexibility.
Listening Effective listening is active participation in a conversation. Active listeners SSit or stand alertly MMaintain eye contact with the speaker CConcentrate on the words of the speaker MMake verbal responses SSummarize parts of what has been said with clarity
Facial expressions Body language Eye contact Dress and physical appearance Gestures Nonverbal Cues: NO! When our words send one message and our nonverbal cues send another message, people almost always believe our nonverbal cues.
Most People Express and can Recognize Six Basic Emotions SadnessFear HappinessSurprise DisgustAnger
Our Communication Comes from the following Three Sources: Words 7% Tone 38% Gestures 55%