Washington Health Benefit Exchange Outreach Technical Advisory Committee June 13, 2014
Meeting Protocol ▪ Open public meeting ▪ Callers are in listen-only mode ▪ Participation limited to Outreach TAC Members ▪ Public comment period at end of meeting ▪ GotoWebinar ▪ Chat feature ▪ Raise your hand ▪ We will unmute committee members (please mute your own phone) 2
3 Outreach Technical Advisory Committee Membership Eric EarlingPremera Carrie GloverWithin Reach Julie SeversonNeighborhood House Matthew McColmOffice of Raul Martinez Farmers Insurance Robin HillearyModa Health Sally MildrenCoordinated Care Courtney NormandPlanned Parenthood Votes Northwest Patricia GepertWash. Association of Community and Migrant Health Centers Brittany JonesCowlitz Indian Tribal Health Clinic new! Suzanne PakCornerstone Medical Services Dr. James PoloMary Bridge Children’s Healthcare Grace SandovalHealthpoint Mary WoodHealth Care Authority
Agenda 4 Welcome and HBE Update Health Literacy Update Preliminary Findings - Wakely Enrollment Center Pilot Questions & Public Comment
Washington Health Benefit Exchange Health Benefit Exchange Update August 8, 2014 Kelly Boston
HBE Updates – System Activities ▪ Enrollment/payment transactions with Carriers still a challenge ▪ Focused work under way with Deloitte and Carriers ▪ Highest priority – impact to consumers, Carriers, Producers, consumer support, providers ▪ Board requesting Resolution by August 29 ▪ System corrections and upgrades ▪ Special Operations teams – 100% of accounts audit/daily data fixes ▪ Prep for Medicaid plan selection ▪ Prep for new open enrollment ▪ New carriers, new plans ▪ Renewals 6
HBE Updates – Consumer Support ▪ Support for producers, navigators and consumers ▪ Issues tracking and resolution ▪ Coordination of communication within HBE and among HCA, DSHS and HBE ▪ Training for Navigators, Producers, Call Center, Client Specialists ▪ Tools and resources ▪ Operator’s Guide ▪ Troubleshooting Guide ▪ Tools/material related to health literacy project 7
HBE Updates - Budget ▪ Board meeting – August 14, 2014 (special budget meeting) ▪ Operational budget to HCA in September ▪ Budget presentation on web site ▪ 2015/2016 Baseline - IPA Funding - $1.2 million ▪ 2015/2016 Baseline - Advertising and Marketing - $1 million ▪ No cost extension ▪ Additional Level 1 grant request ▪ Call Center ▪ Navigator ▪ Cost allocation discussions 8
HBE Updates – Plan Certification 9
Updates - Consumer Survey ▪ Collect input on service improvements ▪ Correspondence ▪ Healthplanfinder – ease of use, plan selection ▪ Consumer assistance – reasons, experience ▪ Telephone Survey ▪ 40 questions – 15 minutes ▪ English and Spanish ▪ QHP, WAH, Individual, mixed, SHOP, enrolled, eligible but not enrolled ▪ Characteristics – insurance status, access to care, need for care ▪ Conduct survey in August and receive results in September 10
Washington Health Benefit Exchange Health Literacy Project Update Pam Cowley, Outreach Manager
12 Health Literacy Vision 12 All Washington residents know how and where to access health insurance. All Washington residents understand their health insurance options, their rights, their cost, their responsibilities and their coverage. All Washington residents know the value of health insurance in staying healthy across the lifespan.
PHASES OF WORK 13 Needs Assessment Design and Development Review and Acceptance Incorporate tools into pertinent areas of work Survey of Navigator, Outreach and Health Equity Technical Advisory; focus groups with consumers and community partners. Finalize decisions on strategies. Creative development, exploration of nontraditional tools and stakeholder recommendations. TACs and key stakeholders offered review. Translation process begins. Finalize tools and production. Storefront the materials in the website, print shop and outreach toolkits. Timeline will be based on contract services agreements.
Foundations for Healthy Generations (formerly CHEF) has interviewed: Lead Organizations Technical Advisories members Partners and Brokers In-Person Assisters Hospital Staff Community Leadership 14 Assessment Roll Up
Multi-Cultural Focus Groups: Seattle Tacoma Benton-Franklin Walla Walla Spokane Internal interviews of customer-facing staff: Client Specialists Agent Broker Support Appeals Others 15 Assessment Roll Up
Sharing Best Practices Lead Organization Meeting: What worked What was challenging What can be duplicated What was learned What we need to consider for Assessment Roll Up
Glossary of Terms (8 Languages) Social Media most confusing insurance terms Regional promotions ABC’s of Insurance Guide Getting Health Insurance While Becoming a Citizen Tribal Handbook Infographics and video Video Contest Partnership with Colleges 17 Coming Soon!
Preliminary Findings - Wakely ▪ Assess HBE performance/results through open enrollment ▪ Addressing Navigator and Agent-Broker Results ▪ Qualitative/quantitative ▪ Strengths, gaps, observations, recommendations ▪ Interviewed 60+ individuals ▪ Lead Organizations ▪ Partners ▪ Agents-Brokers ▪ Navigators ▪ Preliminary findings – report is being finalized ▪ HBE decides what, if any action to take 18
Preliminary Recommendations – Network Structure ▪ Revisit composition and scope of statewide Navigator network ▪ Assumes funding reductions ▪ Separate enrollment targets for QHPs ▪ Centralize troubleshooting/system support at HBE ▪ Increased use of Certified Application Counselor role ▪ Education campaign geared to hospitals/clinics 19
Expand Role of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) ▪ CHC Navigators responsible for 60%+ of Navigator enrollments in WAH and QHP ▪ Expected to receive continued funding ($4.5 million) in 2015 ▪ WACMHC receives grant for outreach/enrollment technical assistance to CHCs 20
Broker “Designation” ▪ Recognize high producing brokers with higher level support ▪ Recruit/encourage higher involvement of inactive brokers ▪ 1,415 brokers enrolled 43,984 individuals in QHP ▪ 1,319 brokers enrolled 30,657 in WAH 21
Align Navigators-Producers ▪ Establish closer alignment between Navigator-Producer programs ▪ Consistent messaging ▪ Collaboration, partnering ▪ Shared training, support troubleshooting ▪ Create opportunities to bring Producers-Navigators together ▪ Social events, speaking engagements, enrollment events ▪ Navigator-Agent/Broker guidelines and promotion of partnerships 22
Enrollment Activities ▪ “Pop up” Enrollment Centers ▪ Libraries, community sites with heavy traffic ▪ Staff with rotating schedule of brokers and navigators ▪ “All Hands on Deck” Enrollment day throughout the state ▪ Mass enrollment event, heavily marketed 23
SHOP Team - Enrollment Center Project ▪ Several states had successful results with this model (CT, RI, CO) ▪ Operational during open enrollment (all or a portion) ▪ Low cost to HBE/sponsoring site ▪ Target QHPs ▪ Encourages Broker engagement 24
Enrollment Center Concept HBE will accept proposals that include: ▪ Proposed site in a central, high traffic, easily accessible community location ▪ Enrollment site open regularly scheduled hours (extended hours) for walk-ins or appointments ▪ Selected Broker/Agency will manage the site, arrange/coordinate staffing ▪ Broker will enlist one or more IPA organization as a partner ▪ QHP and Medicaid enrollments 25
HBE Support ▪ HBE will provide advertising, marketing, print material and other support as needed ▪ Pilot sites in two locations to be determined based on proposals ▪ Open process for submitting proposals ▪ Proceeding quickly to be ready for open enrollment 26
Key Challenges ▪ Training ▪ System Performance ▪ Renewals ▪ Call Center ▪ Partnering ▪ Cross-agency communication-coordination ▪ Issue resolution process (Zen Desk) 27
Upcoming meetings Policy CommitteeAugust 111 p.m. – 3 p.m. Audit and Compliance Comm.August 131 p.m. – 3 p.m. Exchange BoardAugust 141 p.m. – 4 p.m. SHOP TACAugust 141 p.m. – 2 p.m. Operations CommitteeAugust 201 p.m. – 3 p.m. Health Equity TACAugust 261 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Exchange BoardAugust 289 a.m. – 3 p.m. Navigator TACAugust 2810 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Dental Plan TACSeptember 21:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. Agents-Brokers TACSeptember 12 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Outreach TACSeptember 121 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 28