facebook Abigail Adams is busy running the farm in Massachusetts while her husband, John, creates a new country. WallPhotosFlairBoxesAbigail S. AdamsLogout View photos of Abigail (5) Send Abigail a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Boston; the Daughters of Liberty Birthday: November 11, 1744 Political Federalist Religion: Congregationalist Hometown: Weymouth, Massachusetts Friends Martha W. John Ben F. DolleyJohn Q. Abigail Adams to John Adams. My Dearest Friend, how many letters do you think we have written to one another over the years? Isnt it amazing to think of how many people will study them some day? June 20, Thomas John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams Mother, Im so grateful you agreed to let me come to Paris with Father. I am learning so much that might help me some day, if I go into to politics like Father. January 5, 1778 Martha Washington to Abigail Adams We are suffering with our husbands during these dangerous days. The conditions here in Valley Forge are quite severe for the General and his men. November 15, 1777 Abigail Adams is moving to Philadelphia, PA, where her husband is about to become the second president of the United States. The White House in Washington hasnt been built yet. March 15, Abigail Adams is making her own cloth! Like her other friends in the Daughters of Liberty, she is boycotting items from England! February 26, Abigail Adams to John Adams I keep hoping that you will tell me that independence has been declared, and you are designing a new government. When you do, I hope you and your friends will remember the rights of the ladies better than the English ever did. March 31, 1776
Personal Information facebook Abigail Adams is preparing to move into the White House! Her husband has been elected the second president of the United States. WallPhotosFlairBoxesAbigail S. AdamsLogout View photos of Abigail (5) Send Abigail a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Boston; Daughters of Liberty Birthday: November 11, 1744 Political: Federalist Religion: Congregationalist Hometown: Weymouth, Massachusetts Photos Birthday November 11, 1744 Family: Married to John Adams; 3 sons; 2 daughters Occupation Wife; mother, farm manager State: Massachusetts Political Views Federalist Role in the War Daughter of Liberty; Political advisor Activities: Taking care of the farm. Raising four children, including a future president! Interests: Politics, Exchanging letters with famous friends. Favorite Music: Yankee Doodle, Hail to the Chief Favorite Movies: The Patriot, Liberty!, The American President Favorite TV Shows: Anything on C-SPAN, Libertys Kids, Jeopardy Favorite Books: 1776, John Adams, Johnny Tremain, Miracle at Philadelphia The Family and Events Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Friends Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 135 Adams Street, Quincy, MA, Phone Number:
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesAbigail Smith AdamsLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Abigail 6 Photos Abigails Albums 2 Photo Alums Family/Friends 5 photos Events 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Abigail Adams saw fighting between the Patriots and the British very near her house.