My Million Dollar Project by Megan Aubin
If I had a Million dollars to spend: First of all I would give some of it to charity: I would give 25, to my church
My second charity would be the Forsyth County Animal Shelter I would give a donation of $25, to help rescue animals.
My Third charity would be the Make a wish Foundation I would donate $25, for kids without hope.
My fourth charity would be for the Ronald McDonald House I would donate $25, to families of cancer patients. My new total is $900,000.
I have to pay the government $200,000 for taxes. My new total is $700,000.
I would put the rest of it, in the bank for college I would save the $146, in the bank for college and for the future.
I would buy my family a new home I would buy my mom and my sister a new home for $300, my new total is $400,000.00
I would buy my family new furniture to put in it from Rooms To Go I would spend $30, on furniture for the new house. My new total is $370,000.00
I would buy a boat for my family and a new car I would spend about $200, on a car and a boat for my family. My new total is $170,000.00
I would take my family on a cruise to Europe I would spend $12, on a trip to Europe with my family for summer. My new total is $158,000.00
I would buy presents for my myself
I would invite my e-pal for a visit and pay for her trip I would take my e-pal to the high museum and dinner I would take her to the world of Coca-Cola I would take her to the Georgia Aquarium I would take her to Lanier world I would pay for her flight both here and home The total package would be $1, My new total is $156,500.00
I would buy presents for my family and friends I would spend about $10, on my Mom, my teacher and my sister and Grandparents as well as my aunts and uncles. My new total is$146,500.00
The end I want to thank Mrs. Simmons for this fun project and letting us learn in the most fun way possible. Mrs. Simmons has taught me a very important lesson.