The Explorer Network by Gracie Englund
explorerbook WallInfoPictures Friends: place likely friends here 1.King of England 2.Queen of England 3. John Cabot 4. John Smith Likes: place possible likes here 1.Gold 2.Spices 3.Silk Okay so when you look at this picture taken in1610 you would think I was a bad captain. Why would you that! Well my crew did fight a lot so yeah I was a bad captain. Top secret do not tell a single soul. It It was 1631 when two sailors discovered remains of a shelter in New York Is it mine? Dont ask me Im old. As old as your grandma or world war 1. I remember this like a dream I had last night. I mean I did but we can over look that. It was 1609 and was sailing up an unknown river but little did I know that it would be named the Hudson River in New York.
User name: status update here Basic Information Current City: New York, New York City Birthday: 1565 Looking for: A northwest passage to Asia Personal Information Activities: Learning about geography and sailing Interests: being a sea explorer Favorite Quote:You cant fly like an eagle with threwings of a wren Positive Character Traits: courage and Teamwork Contact Information Current address:6786 Brut Cliff Dr. New York City last seen in the Hudson River Work and Accomplishments Employer: England Position: explorer Description: I have to find a northwest passage to Asia Accomplishments: Sailed up the Hudson river explorerbook WallInfoPictures About Me: My life is an amazing adventure. It is everything an explorer could ask for. My favorite activities are learning new geography terms and sailing. I sail at least once a year. One day I hope to find a northwest passage to Asia. Like I always say, You cant fly like an eagle with threwings of a wren. What can I say life is an adventure you just have to find it.