Study on EU Mechanisms to Promote PCD Round Table on the Coherence of Belgian External Policy Belgian Federal Parliament 14 February 2008 James Mackie,


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Presentation transcript:

Study on EU Mechanisms to Promote PCD Round Table on the Coherence of Belgian External Policy Belgian Federal Parliament 14 February 2008 James Mackie, ECDPM, Maastricht

Parameters of Study 3Cs Joint Evaluations by EU-HES –For: France, Belgium, Germany, NL & EC –By: ECDPM, Particip GmbH, ICEI Methodology –Literature Review –Country profiles for 25 MS + EU –Case studies: 5 MS + 2 EU level mechanisms –Opinion Survey of PCD experts March 2006 to May 2007 Report available at:

Literature Translating PCD into concrete practice is hard –For both academics & policy makers Promoting PCD means continuous negotiation –Progress is usually slow and often contested Literature debate is progressing: –Less preoccupied with theory and main concepts –More attention to methodology & ‘how’ aspects Increasing coverage of PCD in evaluations –Particularly DAC Peer Reviews –But usually as one aspect of broader study

Concepts Identified 3 types of PCD mechanism – Policy statements of intent –Administrative & institutional –Knowledge & assessment Form they each take varies with context –Traditions of government Formal & Informal mechanisms exist –Formal have set objectives & modalities so are a clear object of study Formulated concept of a PCD System

A PCD System: All three types of mechanisms operating in their context

Country Profiles 85 PCD mechanisms identified across EU –15% growth in 2 years since 2004 –Growth mostly of Administrative/Institutional mechanisms; –Few (only 9) Knowledge & Assessment mechanisms Only 20% mechanisms specialised on PCD Mostly adaptation of existing policy mechanisms → may ensure better integration in govt machinery? 9 MS have departments with specific responsibility to promote PCD → mostly Nordic+ Group Consolidation of responsibility for DC in a single ministry: –These MS had progressed further with PCD –Important starting point for promoting PCD –As otherwise: PCD promotion possible but more difficult

Growth in number of PCD mechanisms in EU

Opinion Survey: key messages Good consensus on how to promote PCD Best done through an inclusive approach with good coordination PCD is an issue of relations Requires good resources PCD process needs space, good conditions & flexibility Process best not too formalised

Case Studies 1.Finland – Development Policy Committee – KA 2.Sweden – Policy for Global Development – PS 3.Germany – Programme of Action 2015 – PS 4.Spain – CICI: Inter-Ministerial Committee – AI 5.France – CICID: Comité interministeriel – AI 6.EC – Inter-Service Consultation system – AI 7.EP – Development Committee – KA EU Council Working Groups for 12 PCD areas Covered in CEPS study

Belgium – Country Profile PCD Mechanisms identified: Policy Outline for Development, 2004 –Clear reference to coherence –PS Mech, Parl, Cabinet, policy makers –Inter-ministerial group proposed in 2000 but not yet operational at time of study Inter-departmental committee on Central Africa –AI Mech, policy makers various ministries OECD DAC Peer Review fairly critical –Belgium needs to make more effort

Overall Conclusions Considerable progress made in setting up mechanisms International + EU debate has given important push See as a new phase: experimental in nature Pragmatic approaches taken –Adapting existing mechanisms – has advantages –PCD system concept seems useful How? – Good level of consensus –Yet mandates not always clear –Very government focussed so far – other stakeholders? –How to maintain political support? –Relative lack of Knowledge mechanisms –Linkages important: PCD systems, informal networks … Efficiency not yet a question - M&E not yet on agenda

Study Recommendations 1.PCD System – integrated approach vital 2.Use all 3 types of PCD mechanism 3.Clear PCD mandate essential 4.Ideally consolidate DC responsibilities in one ministry 5.Recognise long term strategy needed 6.Political support strategy – broad cross-party support 7.Links with CS vital: NGOs, academics, media … 8.Visibility – develop communication strategy 9.Adequate resources 10.Persuasive and flexible approaches 11.Goal setting, planning, monitoring & evaluation 12.Informal networks – don’t underestimate + encourage

Recent events: EU Report on PCD First EU Biennual Report on PCD –Questionnaire sent to all Member States –Focus on 12 areas agreed by Council in May 2005 –EC COM SEC 1202, September 2007 Comments: –Not very critical + survey results could be clearer –External evaluation maybe more critical & objective –Yet process has encouraged debate –In some MS several ministries replied to questions → promotes awareness-raising & buy-in –Sweden: similar annual reporting process only starting to become useful after 4 years

Council Conclusions Nov 2007 MS and EC to use report to stimulate debate –At EU and national level & with development partners Recognition that PCD requires: –political will + information on impact of policies + dialogue between policy areas + sufficient expertise + accountability and transparency MS and EC to –further develop & improve mechanisms –use them in a more systematic way Council Sect to assist Presidencies on PCD Need on-going dialogue with non-state actors –both in EU and in developing countries

Thank you for your attention James Mackie, ECDPM Maastricht More information on: