Presented by Mrs. Yetunde Yemi-Bamgbose
What then is competency? This is the knowledge, skill and behavioural attribute necessary for acceptable job performance. Knowledge is the previous education and experience. Skill is the practical or technical idea required for the job. Behavioral attribute is the personality characteristics that are key to successful job performance.
CORE COMPETENCIES The most commonly recognized behavioural attribute or personality characteristic required for success in nearly all career fields is referred to as Core competencies. These are crucial behaviours and skills meant to support individual’s ability to perform the technical or domain competencies of a job.
1. Interpersonal Skills : This is an invaluable tool for any career field because it is relevant to our personal relationship, social affairs and professional lives. People with good interpersonal skills are usually seen as optimistic and charismatic
The foundation for many other skills to succeed in different areas of life are built on strong interpersonal skills as follows: (a)Ability to communicate clearly and effectively: communication is a measure of ones effectiveness in the development of interpersonal relationship. (b)Verbal Communication: Our tone, what we say and how we are able to say it. (c)Non-verbal communication:- What we communicate through our gestures, body language and the expressions on our faces. (d)Listening Skills:- how do we interpret, the verbal and non verbal messages sent by others.
2.Conflict Resolution/Negotiation:- Conflicts, major and minor are a part of work life, You are to create a work environment that enables people to thrive. Don’t make the environment difficult for those you work with. Understand what they are going through and try to resolve as much as possible.
3.Teamwork/Collaboration:- A team is composed of individuals with various skills and talents working together towards a common goal. Each skill is put to work to achieve the desired goals. To have a team environment, members must:-
1.Trust each other:be honest with yourselves and learn to trust others so they can trust you too. 2.Clarify roles: let every one know what role to perform so that there would be no clash of interest. Review team members roles regularly. 3.Communicate openly and effectively:in giving instructions be clear and where it’s not clear ask questions. 4.Appreciate working with diversity:learn as much as you can from eachother.Respect others opinion and differences. 5.Observation and feedback :regularly review team work and praise individual efforts.
4.Professional development:- This involves skills obtained for personal development and career advancement. It is all kinds of facilitated learning opportunities, ranging from college degrees to formal coursework, conferences and informal learning opportunities.
5.Professional ethics:- it encompasses the personal, organizational and corporate standards of behavior expected of professionals. Professional ethics helps a professional to choose what to do when faced with a problem at work. For example Administrators are expected to be coporate on all working days. This rule and others should be obeyed to the letter.
Finally- 6.Intervention Skills: At work, in whatever industry, most people deal daily with others who need help, support or advice, how you deliver the help determines its success and also the relationship you build with the person you are helping.