Bologna Process Based on Sorbonne Declaration (1998) Signed in Bologna (1999) Currently 33 voluntary signatories Progress reviewed in Prague (2001) and Berlin (2003) Progress to be reviewed in Bergen (2005) To be completed by 2010
Action Lines (1) 1. easily readable and comparable degrees 2. Two cycles – undergraduate / postgraduate 3. Establishment of system of credits 4. Promotion of mobility 5. EU cooperation in Quality Assurance
Action Lines (2) 6. Promotion of EU dimension 7. Lifelong learning 8. Student Involvement 9. European Higher Education Area (Erasmus Mundus) 10. Monitoring (Trends I, II and III & IV)
From Berlin to Bergen Specific emphasis on: Quality Assurance 2 cycles system Recognition of degrees and study periods abroad
The role of the IRO Understanding the Process Cooperate closely with academic staff Network Provide Information Provide Support Facilitate debate
Barriers for IRO Staff Organisational Culture Professional Recognition Acknowledgement of Expertise
Overcoming the barriers Be professional Join Forces Be the best Trust your knowledge Have something to offer