A Day in the Life of Your First Grader!
Good Morning! Morning Routine Pledge of Allegiance Morning News Math Word Problem of the Day Math Center
Common Core Math Creating Routines and Using Data Developing Base Ten Number Sense Understanding Shapes and Fractions Sorting, Comparing, & Ordering Understanding Place Value and Using Money Using Base Ten Number Sense with Operations Problem Solving is embedded throughout all the strands
Snack Time!! 9:15 am. Please send in healthy snack daily
Spelling, Phonics, Wordwork Phonics Spelling Sight Words Fluency Voice recording apps
Guided/Shared Reading Unit Study trade books Exposes children to a wide range of literature with a focus children Expose on building comprehension and fluency using a variety of reading formats and before- and after-reading activities.
Writers Workshop Helping children to develop essential writing skills through mini-lessons, modeled writing, shared writing, and independent writing.
Lunch and Birthday Treats! Our lunchtime is from 11:10 until 11:40 each day. Please feel free to join us! Birthday treats: A popsicle on the picnic table is a great treat!
Specials 12:45 –1:25 M– PE (sneakers) T – Art and Music W – PE (sneakers) Th – PE (sneakers) F– Media and Lab
Handwriting Holding the pencil correctly Zaner Bloser block style letter formation Spacing & Using the lines Strengthening those hand muscles / fine motor skills: coloring, play dough, cutting & pasting Reversals Practice, practice, practice!!
Activities, stories, and games to teach Science, Social Studies, and Health (to be integrated into Reading & Writing time) Unit Study
Recess! Time to play with friends indoors and out!
Literacy Centers Listening Center Word Work/Games Writing / Art Center Computer Big Books/Charts/ Read-the-Room Browsing Boxes Self-selected reading from the class library
Homework Homework will begin after Monday. Homework will be assigned Monthly. Standards Based Composition Book