The Spanish- American War
Rebellion against Spain The Spanish empire was crumbling by the end of the 19 th century. By the 1890s it only controlled the Philippine Islands in the Pacific and the Caribbean islands of Cuba and Puerto Rico. Many of the people of these colonies began to demand independence The Cubans’ had rebelled against Spain several time in the 19 th century and were upset about an economic depression in 1895.
Rebellion against Spain Spain sent General Valeriano “the Butcher” Weyler to Cuba who forced them from their homes and thousands died of starvation. The U.S. became concerned because the fighting disrupted U.S. trade with Cuba. People also became upset when the papers described the brutality of the Spanish. Yellow Journalism—often exaggerated writing-- was used as a tool to describe the Spanish cruelty.
The U.S. Goes to War William McKinley the U.S. President in 1898 did not want war. “I have been through [the Civil War]....” I have seen the dead piled up, and I do not want to see another.” Public opinion was strong and McKinley was forced to take action. He demanded that Spain halt it harsh treatment of Cubans and Spain did bring General Weyler home. However, harsh treatment continued.
The U.S. Goes to War In January 1898, McKinley sent the U.S.S Maine to Cuba. Riots had broken out in the capital, Havana, and the battleship was dispatched to protect U.S. citizens. Then, the following month, the Maine exploded and sank in Havana’s harbor, killing 260 sailors. Nobody knows was caused the explosion, but Americans blamed Spain. “Remember the Maine!” became a call to arms. On April 20, 1898, President McKinley signed a congressional resolution that called for Cuba’s independence and demanded a withdrawal of Spanish forces. He gave Spain 3 days and when they refused the Spanish –American War began.
U.S.S. Maine
The U.S. Goes to War “Remember the Maine!” became a call to arms. On April 20, 1898, President McKinley signed a congressional resolution that called for Cuba’s independence and demanded a withdrawal of Spanish forces. He gave Spain 3 days and when they refused the Spanish –American War began.
Warm Up What is yellow journalism? What factors led to the Spanish-American War?
War in the Philippines The first major battle of the Spanish- American War took place in the Spanish colony of the Philippines. Prior to this battle Theodore Roosevelt, assistant secretary of the navy put a fleet of American ships in Hong Kong on alert. The leader, Commodore George Dewey, prepared his forces and made contact with the head of the Filipino forces Emilio Aguinaldo.
War in the Philippines Dewey set out for Manila, the Philippine capital. The battle in Manila Bay began early on the m morning of May 1, By a little past noon Dewey’s forces had destroyed the Spanish fleet and wounded or killed about 380 Spanish sailors. Dewey became an instant hero of the United States. They even named a chewing gum after him called “Dewey’s Chewies”.
The War in the Caribbean When the Spanish-American War began the U.S. Army had only 28,000 men. Within four months, over 200,000 more joined up. Theodore Roosevelt resigned from the Navy Department and volunteered. He helped to organize the First United States Volunteer Cavalry nicknamed the Rough Riders.
War in the Caribbean In June, the Rough Riders and about 16,000 other soldiers, nearly a quarter of them African American, gathered in Tampa, Florida. Many of the Rough Riders uniforms were too hot for Santiago, Cuba, which is where they landed. Others came down with tropical diseases. Americans had to capture San Juan Hill in order to control Santiago’s port. They attacked on July 1.
Battle of San Juan Hill African American soldiers, along with Roosevelt and the Rough Riders drove the Spanish back and captured the hill. Two days later, American ships destroyed Spain’s fleet as it tried to escape Santiago Harbor. On July 17, the city surrendered. A week later U.S. forces took Puerto Rico and on August 12, 1898, Spain signed a truce. John Hay referred to it as, “a splendid little war.”
Results of the War The U.S. demanded that Spain give up Puerto Rico, the island of Guam, and the Philippines. Spain had no choice but to agree and the final peace treaty was signed in Paris in December President McKinley decided the Philippines should become an American colony. The U.S. was also reluctant to grant Cuba complete independence. Cuba had to add the Platt Amendment to its constitution. This gave the U.S. right
Results of the War The U.S. was also reluctant to grant Cuba complete independence. Cuba had to add the Platt Amendment to its constitution. This gave the U.S. right to intervene in Cuban affairs anytime there was a threat to “life, property, and individual liberty.” Cuba also had to allow a U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay. Puerto Rico became an American territory and set up a government and appointed the top officials. Only in 1917 was Puerto Rico allowed to become a self-governing territory and Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship
The Anti-Imperialist League U.S. treatment of Spain’s former colonies after the Spanish-American War disappointed many people in the United States. Several well-known Americans, including Carnegie, Jane Adams, and writer Mark Twain joined with others to form the Anti- Imperialist League. Members believed the U.S. should not deny other people the right to govern themselves.