The Spanish American War Causes for the War War in Cuba Anti-Imperialism Advocates War in the Philippines
Events Leading to War Cuban Revolt 1895: Spain sent 200,000 Cuban Revolt 1895: Spain sent 200,000 –Weyler’s “reconcentration camps,” starvation Cuba Libra Movement: New York junta Cuba Libra Movement: New York junta –Propaganda campaign for support Yellow Journalism: Hearst & Pulitzer Yellow Journalism: Hearst & Pulitzer Cleveland favored neutrality Cleveland favored neutrality McKinley: sent agent to Cuba McKinley: sent agent to Cuba –Tries to mediate Cuban independence The de Lome Letter The de Lome Letter The sinking of the Maine (Photos) The sinking of the Maine (Photos)
The USS Maine: Before
USS Maine: After
Congress Declares War McKinley delays, Congress $50 million McKinley delays, Congress $50 million –diplomacy breaks down War declared April 1, 1889 War declared April 1, 1889 Platt Amendment: US will not annex Platt Amendment: US will not annex –Cuba if there is a war George Dewey orders to leave Hong Kong and prepare attack on Manila. George Dewey orders to leave Hong Kong and prepare attack on Manila.
War Starts First steam powered, armored naval battle First steam powered, armored naval battle America wins due to new navy America wins due to new navy Dewey surprises Spanish fleet in Manila Dewey surprises Spanish fleet in Manila Two American ships sink whole Spanish fleet of 8 with only one death Two American ships sink whole Spanish fleet of 8 with only one death Dewey a hero Dewey a hero
Commodore George Dewey
USS Massachusetts
USS Norwalk
War In Cuba “The Splendid Little War” Building an American Army: volunteers, community militias, Smoked Yankees, Building an American Army: volunteers, community militias, Smoked Yankees, –25,000 US v. 200,000 Spanish Rough Riders: Teddy Roosevelt Rough Riders: Teddy Roosevelt Guantanamo, Kettle Hill & San Juan Hill Guantanamo, Kettle Hill & San Juan Hill Spain caught in Santiago de Cuba Spain caught in Santiago de Cuba Puerto Rica captured Puerto Rica captured 5,500 U.S. dead; 379 from battle 5,500 U.S. dead; 379 from battle
Battles in Cuba
Roosevelt takes San Juan Hill
Cuban Independence US takes control of Puerto Rico & Guam Cuban reconstruction and freedom in 1902 Platt Amendment –A–A–A–A) No treaties with other countries which Could lead to Cuba loosing independence –B–B–B–B) No debt it cannot pay –C–C–C–C) U.S. can return to protect government
Debate on Philippines Paris Peace Treaty: $20 million for Phil. Paris Peace Treaty: $20 million for Phil. Loud Opposition to Imperialism: Carnegie, Loud Opposition to Imperialism: Carnegie, –Mark Twain, Mugwumps, Bryan McKinley struggles to make up his mind McKinley struggles to make up his mind –Decides in favor annexation, then freedom Senate approves treaty by two votes Senate approves treaty by two votes Emilio Aguinaldo leads insurrection; A. McArthur Emilio Aguinaldo leads insurrection; A. McArthur 3 year War: 50,000 to 200,000 Filipinos die 3 year War: 50,000 to 200,000 Filipinos die Taft civilian government: good organization Taft civilian government: good organization Public distaste: American Imperialism ends Public distaste: American Imperialism ends
Emilio Aquinaldo
U.S. Troops in the Philippines
Filipino Rebels
U.S. Teacher in the Philippines
China Japan, England, German, Russia and France break China up into “Spheres of Influence” Japan, England, German, Russia and France break China up into “Spheres of Influence” Hay’s Open Door notes: One & Two Hay’s Open Door notes: One & Two –A) Each sphere respect rights of others –B) China should collect duties at ports –C) All spheres same train & port rates The Boxer Rebellion: Chinese nationalists The Boxer Rebellion: Chinese nationalists –Hole up the foreign embassies for 2 months –US joins European powers to put down insurrection