Myrmecobius fasciatus The Numbat Myrmecobius fasciatus
Taxonomy Kingdom – animalia Phylum – chordata Class – mammalia (marsupial) Order – dasyuromorphia Family – myrmecobiidae Related to = quolls, dunnarts, tasmanian devil
Distribution/habitat Western Australia Two natural populations Dryandra Perup Nature reserve Arid to semi-arid woodlands Fallen trees and shrubs
Just the facts… Carnivorous marsupial Lifespan around 5 years insectivore Lifespan around 5 years 14 day gestation Undeveloped young Attached to mother ~ 9 months No true pouch Small – 27cm Thin, sticky tongue Blunt ‘pegs’ rather than teeth Camouflaged by striping
More facts….mate Feeds on termites, up to 20000 a day Dig in ground and use tongue Do not drink water Comes from termites Diurnal Vulnerable to predators Sit up like meerkats freeze when danger Solitary Only together to mate Territorial
IUCN Redlist = Endangered (2008) Habitat destruction Introduction of non-native predator (foxes) Less than 1000 mature individuals (20% decrease over past 5 years)
Conservation Threatened list under Australian law Habitat protected Captive breeding programs (Perth Zoo) Reintroduction programs Fox population control are essential
Outlook Breeding programs successful Reintroduction to select habitats Declines at Dryanda not understood and detrimental to conservation
Resources IUCN Redlist - Perth Zoo - Project Numbat: Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia -