Sóstó zoo: The sóstó zoo is one of the biggest and best zoos in Hungary. There are many special and interesting animals for example elephant, shark etc. In the sóstó zoo there are many houses for different types of animals like the „Zöld Piramis” or the „Félelmek Háza” so there you can find insects, fishes and spiders. But there are many separated places for the big animals like elephants and giraffes etc. You can go to zoo school in the summer time and you can learn to feed the animals or learn about the animals.
Village Museum: In the village museum you can find many things about the life in Hungary 200 years ago. You can see the roofs of the house which are made of reed and the walls are made of clay. In summer there are many programs in the village museum for example kids day and village days. You can see craftsmen’s shops.
Spa: Near the Sóstó there is a big spa with many-many pools with slides, but there are some pools separately from the slides. Here the water is medicinal so many old people go there.
The Lake: If you do not feel good you can go there and relax. The lake is very beautiful. There is a little island in the middle of the lake where you can relax and listen to the sound of the lake
History of Sóstó: Sóstó is a lake which is located on 9,5 hectare. It's a salt-water lake, with an average depth of 1.5 meters. Sóstó's Water has special healing powers, and people have known about it since King Matthias. It contains dissolved salts, for e.g sodium chloride.
History of Sóstó: The town's women in 1794 were allowed to wash their clothes in the lake. The first bath spa built in Krúdy Hostel was built in 1911, it has terraces, and beside the beautiful lines, now historic water tower. The citizens discovered that the land lies below was 50 degrees thermal water in 1950.
Editors: Gosztola Gábor Kondor Máté Nagy Martin Szilágyi László