Grading and Reporting Grades K-3
Purpose of Grading and Reporting Our primary purposes of grading and reporting include: Report student progress toward mastery of grade level standards for students and parents Report student progress toward mastery of grade level standards for students and parents Guide instruction of student learning by the teacher Guide instruction of student learning by the teacher
Assessment and Grading The learning expectations and standards for performance have been outlined for each quarter based on the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards in ELA and Math, and Georgia Performance Standards for all other subjects. Teachers will use two types of classroom assessments, formative and summative. to determine student mastery of grade level standards.
Assessment Types Formative Daily, ongoing assessments/observations that are used to monitor student progress toward mastery of standards. These assessments typically assess mastery of individual standards. Summative An assessment that is used at the end of a unit of study. These assessments generally assess student mastery of several standards.
Assessment Types and Scoring A score of 3 indicates the student has met expectations for that standard. A score of 3 indicates the student has met expectations for that standard. Student scores will be reported to parents on a weekly basis using the weekly student work folders sent home by classroom teachers. Student scores will be reported to parents on a weekly basis using the weekly student work folders sent home by classroom teachers. KEY TO STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT 1 - Limited Achievement within the Standard 2 - Moderate Achievement within the Standard 3 - Consistent Achievement within the Standard 4 - Excels/ Extends within the Standard
Work Habits Student work habits will be reported using the following categories: Responsibility, Participation, Assignment Completion, and Interpersonal Skills In each of the above categories, students will receive one of the following scores: Does Not Meet (D), Successful (S), or Exemplary (E). {Successful (S) is the expectation of students}
Report Card Report Cards include the following information: Subject areas and domains: Scores of 1-4 in English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies Subject areas and domains: Scores of 1-4 in English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies Music, PE, Art and Health: Scores of S (Satisfactory), P (Progressing), N (Needs Improvement) Music, PE, Art and Health: Scores of S (Satisfactory), P (Progressing), N (Needs Improvement) Work Habits: Scores of D (Does Not Meet), S (Successful), Exemplary (E) Work Habits: Scores of D (Does Not Meet), S (Successful), Exemplary (E) Attendance: Tardies and Absences Attendance: Tardies and Absences
Parent Communication Updated Parent Grading and Reporting Webpage Updated Parent Grading and Reporting Webpage Parent letter, provided during the first week of school, outlining grading and reporting procedures Parent letter, provided during the first week of school, outlining grading and reporting procedures Quarterly Report Card Details, provided each nine weeks outlining standards by quarter Quarterly Report Card Details, provided each nine weeks outlining standards by quarter Weekly student work with teacher feedback Weekly student work with teacher feedback
Student Benefits Students understand learning expectations/standards Students understand learning expectations/standards Teachers provide differentiated instruction to meet their needs Teachers provide differentiated instruction to meet their needs Students self-evaluate progress and set goals for learning Students self-evaluate progress and set goals for learning Teachers provide timely, descriptive feedback Teachers provide timely, descriptive feedback