New Eligibility Requirements for Special Education Karen Johnson Leigh Ann Roderick August 1, 2012
The Old Discrepancy Model is gone. KSDE does not believe the use of IQ‐achievement discrepancy for identifying students as having a specific learning disability to be appropriate.
Two Kansas Models of GEI (General Education Interventions) MTSS Universal screening and diagnostic tools used to determine intervention. Progress monitoring is KEY to refining and intensifying interventions. Collaborative teams conduct problem solving, keep student data and monitor growth. Individual Problem Solving SAT teams conduct individual problem solving. Progress monitoring is KEY to refining interventions. SAT is in charge of data to determine effectiveness of interventions. This model uses patterns of strengths and weaknesses.
MTSS cannot delay or deny an initial evaluation. Tier 3 is not Special Education. Success or failure in any tier does not determine the need for referral for eligibility for special education. All tiers of instruction must be available for all students regardless of entitlement eligibility. Clarifications regarding MTSS
High quality instruction is ESSENTIAL and EXPECTED in general education class for ALL Students. Research and evidence based interventions matched child needs. (From the Universal screeners and diagnostic assessments…..not KCA assessments) Progress monitoring occurs the during intervention process. Evaluation data MUST be valid and reliable. (not team created common assessments aligned with KCA). Qualities of Both Models
Our Dilemma….which model do we use????
MTSS is best BUT these things must be in place for FULL Implementation The subject (Reading, Math or Behavior must be fully implemented- which means: There must be a curriculum protocol in place. A comprehensive assessment plan must be used. Universal screeners, diagnostic assessments and progress monitoring occurs according to plan. Master schedule reflects appropriate instructional times with times for tiered support. Collaborative Teams function effectively. Interventions are being provided in a systematic way using the self- correcting feedback loop. Core beliefs have been developed. Leadership team members and contact persons are identified.
Activity- At your table- Identify your building’s implementation gaps for each subject area: Reading, Math, and Behavior.
This year we will be using Individual Problem Solving using the patterns of strengths and weakness: What does that mean??? Most data is collected through an individual student approach for screening and monitoring intervention outcomes. Additional data collected for individual students if needed.
Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses What it is: Additional assessment, intervention and evaluation of the student’s strengths and weaknesses are based on the referral question. Looks at the patterns of cognitive strengths and weakness and how the pattern correlates with patterns of academic strengths and weaknesses. The use of the research base to identify links between academic and cognitive skills. Does assess specific academic skills and identify strengths and weaknesses Does assess related abilities/cognitive skills and identifies strengths and weaknesses Determines whether cognitive skills unrelated to academic weaknesses are unimpaired What it is not: Patterns of strengths and weaknesses is NOT equivalent to IQ‐achievement discrepancy It is NOT the use of cognitive scores compared to global achievement scores. Neither requires nor excludes the use of any specific assessment
That appropriate instruction was provided to the student. What education interventions and strategies have been implemented. The results of frequent progress monitoring. Lack of progress monitoring will automatically cause problems when considering special education placement in both prong 1 and 2. That parents have been provided the results. The results indicate an evaluation is appropriate. Documentation Needed Prior to Referral
1. Determine additional data needed. -other assessments needed? -additional interventions that need to be tried? 2. Obtain parental consent, then collect needed data. 3. Conduct 2-prong test of eligibility, using Eligibility Indicator Document. Outline of Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Determination Process
The 2 Prong Test Prong 1 Do the evaluation data match one of the definitions of exceptionality in state and federal regulations? Do any exclusionary criteria apply? Are the data congruent with indicators for that exceptionality? Prong 2 Does the child need special education and related services? What is needed for the student to participate in age appropriate activities? Is there a need for specially designed instruction? (SPED resource is NOT re-teaching aka- tutoring!) Is the child’s need for adapted content so great that it cannot be provided in the regular ed classroom?
What this Means for US This Year We will be using the Problem Solving Model within SAT to determine eligibility for Special Education. New SAT format looks like MTSS and was piloted last year by many schools who provided feedback for revisions. School psychologists would like to be more involved in your SAT process. The Future Revisit MTSS Implementation of Reading. Eligibility for Reading through MTSS-Math and behavior through SAT. Structure MTSS Math. Implement MTSS Math- Eligibility for reading and math through MTSS. Structure Behavior MTSS Implement Behavior MTSS and full eligibility for Special Education through MTSS.