NET IONIC EQUATIONS Net ionic equations include only those reactants that participate in a chemical change. Reactions of ions in solutions are usually represented by net ionic equations rather than formula equations because it shows what really happened in the reactions.
1.Start with a regular chemical equations showing ppt. 2.Write ionic equation showing all dissolved dissociated ions in solutions. Notice: Which ions appear on both sides of the equation that have NOT under-gone chemical change. These are called SPECTATOR IONS. 3.To convert an ionic equation to a NET ionic equations the spectator ions are canceled on both sides of the equation. 4. Final Net Ionic Equation: only shows active ions and the ppt.
Write chemical, complete ionic, and net ionic equations for the following. 1.Solutions of silver nitrate and sodium chloride are mixed.
2. Solutions of lithium phosphate and copper II sulfate are mixed.
3.Solutions of aluminum chloride and ammonium hydroxide are mixed.
4.Solutions of iron II sulfate and barium carbonate are mixed.
5. Solutions of zinc nitrate and ammonium sulfide are mixed.