Program Modification Section of IEP Made Simple If a program modification or accommodation is listed in the Program Modification Section of the IEP, you must include the Frequency, Location, Duration or it will be noted as non-compliant by KSDE. Questions??? Daria Condon Debbie Christman
Program Modifications Section OLD WAY NEW WAY 1. Use preferential seating to minimize distractions 2. Extended time for tests and assignments 3. Frequent breaks 4. Provide alphabet/number lines at seat; highlighted paper 5. Reduce assignment quantity 1. Strategy 2. Beginning 00/00/00 and for the duration of the IEP, ___ will have 2 extra class periods in a quiet setting to complete chapter tests and assignments in all core academic classes. 3. Strategy 4. Strategy 5. Beginning 00/00/00 and for duration of IEP, ___ will be responsible for half of each Math assignment in regular education Math class.
PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS SECTION OLD WAY NEW WAY Accommodations that will occur in the general education classroom are to test in 1-1 or small group setting and have the student read the test to para. Beginning 00/00/00 and for the duration of the IEP, _____ will have the read aloud accommodation for all tests in reading, math, science and social studies in a quiet setting for the time it takes for completion of each test. 4
STRATEGIES Use graphic organizers for journal/reading comprehension activities to organize ideas and confirm students understanding of material Assign a buddy to repeat and explain directions to student. Para can also have the student repeat or explain directions to them to show student understands what they are to do on the assignment.
________________ will need modification to math and reading tasks to be successful in her curriculum. __________ will need to sit close to the teacher and the visual representation of materials. Additionally ________ will need changes in her environment to eliminate distractions. May have daily work and test/quizzes modified by shortening assignments, reducing answer choices, providing word banks, eliminating higher level questions or modifying them. Where would this be listed?
Example of Strategies in Academic Section ____ will need word banks if he is doing a fill in the blank assessment or activity that he needs to spell out his answers. Because of ____ low spelling skills, he may also need to have a model to write from.
Where would you put each one of these examples? General Provide student with notes Provide paper notes for student to copy rather than from overhead Assignments Extended time Reduce quantity Books on tape (if available) Testing Limit number of discriminators Do not count off for spelling unless specifically stated
IEPs Made Simple Present Levels of Performance Sections: Health/Physical Social/Emotional Academic Strategies to Promote Independence Look at other sections of the IEP to include some of the general, everyday strategies that are used with any student as good teaching practices/best practice.
1.Describe program modifications and accommodations that will occur in general education classrooms and other education- related settings (if any). 2 What is the anticipated frequency, duration, and location of the modifications and accommodations to be provided? Frequency: (times per week or month) Duration: (how long will the service be continued,ie.,1 IEP year or number of weeks) Location: (where service will be provided, ie., gen.ed classroom, resource room, other) Length of service:(expressed in minutes, class periods, or other units but should be specific, not a range. Should match information on Anticipated Services page)
Specific day-to-day adjustments in instructional methods and approaches that are made by either a general or special education teacher to assist a child with an exceptionality to achieve his or her annual goals do not require action by the child’s IEP team. (Kansas State Department of Education Special Education Services Process Handbook, Chapter 4, p. 89)