Family Attachment Narrative Therapy Renewing the mind of a child Denise Lacher, MA, LP Todd Nichols, MA, MPAff Maren Harris, MA, LMFT Jan Norman, PsyD, LP ATTACh 2002 Preconference Institute October 16, 2002 Costa Mesa, California
2002 Model and Meaning Attachment Relationships Meaning
2002 Attachment Patterns of Behavior zOrganized ySecure yInsecure-avoidant yInsecure-resistant or ambivalent zDisorganized/Disoriented
2002 Model and Meaning Life Events Trauma Attachment Relationships Meaning
2002 Trauma Effects zAffect regulation zAttention- Impulsivity zAggression zDissociation
2002 Model and Meaning Development Life Events Trauma Attachment Relationships Meaning
2002 Developmental Issues zEmotional zCognitive zSocial zNeurological disorders
2002 Discovering the Model zGathering information zStandardized testing zObservational methods
2002 Attachment-Promoting Interactions zStructuring zChallenging zEngaging zNurturing From The Theraplay Model, Jernberg & Booth
2002 Other Essential Interactions zEmpathy zStress Reduction zPlayfulness From The Theraplay Model, Jernberg & Booth
2002 Discovering the Model zGathering information zStandardized testing zObservational methods zWhat parents know zPutting the pieces together
2002 Parental Attunement
2002 Attunement zEnhances emotional zSupports healthy development of representation of self and others zSupports language development zBecomes cooperative partnership zSupports development of coherent narrative
2002 Lack of Attunement zEasily overwhelmed with emotion zNegative mental representation of self and others zImpaired language development zInsecure relationship with caregiver zIncoherent narrative
2002 Role of Professional zSupport zNew way of looking at child zNew tools zAssess parents zRelationship with child
2002 Constructing Stories zSetting zProps zPerspective zHero zMessage
2002 Shifting Inner Working Model with Narratives
2002 Claiming Narratives zStrengthens emotional bond zFacilitates trust zEstablishes birth order zExtended family zPasses on traditions, history, rituals
2002 Trauma Narratives zHeals pain of trauma zCreates empathy zFosters understanding
2002 Developmental Narratives zFacilitates cognitive development zEnhances emotional regulation zBuilds relationships zRemedial skill building
2002 Successful Child Narratives zTeaches values zReinforces cause and effect thinking zPresents alternative behaviors zExplains basics of “How To Do” life
2002 Narrative Themes From the first, you were a child that deserved to be loved and cared for by parents you could trust.
2002 Narrative Themes Even though you experienced abuse, abandonment, neglect, you deserved to be loved and cared for by responsible parents.
2002 Narrative Themes Your problem behavior does not define your value and we will bethere to love and support you as you make changes.
2002 Program Outcomes
2002 Data Collection Plan
2002 Child Behavior Rating Scale zExamines four diagnoses yConduct Disorder yOppositional Defiant Disorder yAttachment Disorder yAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder zCompares parent report of child behavior to diagnostic criteria from DSM IV
2002 Pre Post CBRS
2002 Achenbach CBCL zTotal Score z2 Broadband Measures- Internalizing and Externalizing z8 Syndromes- Withdrawn, Somatic, Anxious/Depressed, Social, Thought, Attention, Delinquent, Aggressive
2002 Significant Change CBCL N=69 All differences significant at 99% level.
2002 Client Satisfaction z98% Believe program helped parent child better z98% Would recommend program to others z94% Believe program helped them parent child better N=60
2002 Additional Resources zParenting with Stories: Creating a foundation of attachment for parenting your child available at conference bookstore and website zForthcoming book for professionals and parents zSpeaking and training zWebsite:
2002 Family Attachment Center 18322C Minnetonka Blvd Deephaven, MN