Storm Water Management


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Presentation transcript:

Storm Water Management NPDES STORMWATER ECOLOGICAL AND PERMITS SECTION Storm Water Management WILLIAM R. CODY Assistant Environmental Administrator Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

NPDES STORMWATER ODOT & The Environment Business Plan 2010-2011 Initiative 6: “Go with Green” Use the best environmentally-sensitive practices in operations and pilot new green initiatives as ODOT leads by example in embracing environmental stewardship and reducing energy consumption. ODOT’s “Green Team” to measure how department projects, maintenance and operations impact water and air quality, and to recommend ways to reduce negative impacts Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Water Quality Regulations NPDES STORMWATER Water Quality Regulations ODOT planning, construction, and maintenance activities must comply with: Clean Water Act Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 Department of Transportation Act, Section 4(f) Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Ohio Coastal Management Act of 1998 Ohio Revised Code Chapter 6111 Ohio Wild, Scenic, and Recreational River Act Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 Safe Drinking Water Act Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, Section 7 Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Storm Water Pollution from Highway Runoff NPDES STORMWATER Storm Water Pollution from Highway Runoff Primary Pollutants Heavy Metals Oil & Grease Solids Salt Sources Vehicle wear & tear (brake dust, tire wear, fluids) Litter Construction & maintenance activities Atmospheric deposition Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Storm Water Regulations NPDES STORMWATER Storm Water Regulations Regulations Clean Water Act permits General Construction Permit (statewide) Watershed Specific Permit(s) Administered by Ohio EPA For earth-disturbing construction activities > 1 acre Primary requirements Temporary sediment and erosion controls - during construction Post construction storm water management controls - after construction (permanent) Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Storm Water Regulations & ODOT Responses NPDES STORMWATER Storm Water Regulations & ODOT Responses ODOT Responses Storm Water Management Plan Required for ODOT’s “MS4” storm water permit Summarizes efforts to reduce the discharge of pollutants from ODOT’s storm sewer system MS4 = Municipal Separate Strom Sewer Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Storm Water Regulations & ODOT Responses NPDES STORMWATER Storm Water Regulations & ODOT Responses ODOT Responses Supplemental Specification 832 Temporary sediment and erosion control during construction Location & Design Manual, Vol. 2 Drainage Design Post construction storm water management controls (after construction - permanent) Major update: January 18, 2008 Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Post Construction Storm Water Management NPDES STORMWATER Post Construction Storm Water Management Required to treat: Water Quality Remove pollutants Water Quantity Slow down storm water’s path to a stream Challenge: Comply with permit requirements Fit into linear project footprint Limited ability to acquire right of way Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Post Construction Storm Water Management NPDES STORMWATER Post Construction Storm Water Management ODOT worked with Ohio EPA over the past five years Results: Alternative best management practices (BMPs) that are equivalent in effectiveness to those described in the Construction Storm Water General permit ODOT’s BMPs incorporated by reference in draft permit For public road transportation projects BMPs are provided in the Location & Design Manual, Vol. 2 Drainage Design - January 18, 2008 update BMP effectiveness must be researched by ODOT Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Post Construction Storm Water Management NPDES STORMWATER Post Construction Storm Water Management ODOT post construction storm water BMP toolbox: Vegetated Biofilter Exfiltration Trench Manufactured Systems Extended Detention Retention Basin Infiltration Techniques Bioretention Cell Constructed Wetlands Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Post Construction Storm Water BMPs NPDES STORMWATER Post Construction Storm Water BMPs Vegetated Biofilters Vegetated portion of the graded shoulder Vegetated slope Vegetated ditch Exfiltration Trenches Captures roadway drainage at edge of shoulder through the use of a permeable concrete surface. The “ExT” is placed 15 feet (min) prior to any drainage inlet, pavement catch basin or curb cut. Catch basin ExT Research is on going for effectiveness of these BMPs. Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Post Construction Storm Water BMPs NPDES STORMWATER Post Construction Storm Water BMPs Manufactured Systems Proprietary underground structure Offline configuration with existing storm sewer Removes particulate matter through settlement or other means Note: There are many different types of manufactured systems from a variety of companies. Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Post Construction Storm Water BMPs NPDES STORMWATER Post Construction Storm Water BMPs Extended Detention “Dry pond” Captures storm water during rain events and slowly releases the entire captured volume over a period of time leaving a dry bottom Retention Basins “Wet pond” Has a minimum water surface elevation between storms that is defined as the permanent pool. Captures storm water during rain events and slowly releases the captured volume over a period of time. Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Post Construction Storm Water BMPs NPDES STORMWATER Post Construction Storm Water BMPs Infiltration Techniques Storm water filters through substrate consisting of soil, sand, or gravel. Discharges treated storm water into ground water rather than into surface waters. Bioretention Cells Depressed, low-lying areas that treat storm water through evapotranspiration and filtering. Underlying perforated storm sewer or underdrain carries treated storm water to an outlet. Extensive vegetation assists in the filtration of the storm water prior to filtering through the soil. Constructed Wetlands Treat storm water through bio-retention. Designed in a similar manner as a retention basin. Depressed, heavily planted areas designed to maintain a dry weather flow depth of 0.5 to 2 ft. Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

NPDES STORMWATER Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity in the Big Darby Creek Watershed and Olentangy Watershed Watershed Specific Permits includes: New SWPPP regulations Timing and Contents Mitigation: Stream Setbacks Groundwater Recharge Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

NPDES STORMWATER Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity in other specific watersheds: OEPA has developed TMDL Reports for 56 impaired watersheds. In addition to the Big Darby, the following watersheds have TMDL requirements for developing a watershed specific Storm Water Construction Permit: Chagrin River Wakatomika Creek Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

NPDES STORMWATER Storm Water Construction Activity Permits Consequences to ODOT: Increased project footprint: More environmental assessment and documentation: Wider ditches, storm water ponds & wetlands Structural additions; EXTs, manufactured systems, etc Increased mitigation: Stream restoration Environmental covenants On going Research Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process

Assistant Environmental Administrator NPDES STORMWATER Questions ? William Cody (614)466-5198 Assistant Environmental Administrator Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process