Session 6 Outline Overview of program requirements. Defining your program. Program components. Overview of BMPs. Maintenance inspection. Employee education. Overview of program requirements. Defining your program. Program components. Overview of BMPs. Maintenance inspection. Employee education.
Overview of Program Requirements Examine and subsequently alter actions to reduce pollution (type and amount) from municipal operations. Key program aspects: - Develop O&M to prevent and reduce pollutant runoff from municipal operations into the MS4. -Conduct training of staff on pollution prevention/good housekeeping techniques. Examine and subsequently alter actions to reduce pollution (type and amount) from municipal operations. Key program aspects: - Develop O&M to prevent and reduce pollutant runoff from municipal operations into the MS4. -Conduct training of staff on pollution prevention/good housekeeping techniques.
Setting Up Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program
Pollution Prevention Assessment Checklist
Program Components Establish maintenance activities, schedules, & long term inspection procedures for storm water treatment practices. Install controls to reduce or eliminate discharge of pollutants from roads, parking lots, maintenance, and storage yards, waste transfer stations. Establish procedures for disposal of waste from MS4. Assess new flood management projects WQ impacts. Protect/improve water quality & Reduce costs
Representative Pollution Prevention/ Good Housekeeping BMPs Source Controls Automobile maintenance Vehicle washing Illegal dumping control Parking lot and street cleaning Storm drain system cleaning Pet waste collection Materials Management Road salt application & storage Used oil recycling Materials management Spill response and prevention Example Municipal BMPs
Maintenance Inspection Checklist approach (see workbook for example inspection forms). -Integrated with maintenance database. -Quantitative so that maintenance can be prioritized. -Specific about possible problems to reduce subjectivity. -Limit the use of text. -Link problems to specific actions. Inspection procedure (depends on ownership). -Notification of inspection -Pre-inspection preparation -Conduct inspection -Inspection follow-up and notification or program maintenance. Checklist approach (see workbook for example inspection forms). -Integrated with maintenance database. -Quantitative so that maintenance can be prioritized. -Specific about possible problems to reduce subjectivity. -Limit the use of text. -Link problems to specific actions. Inspection procedure (depends on ownership). -Notification of inspection -Pre-inspection preparation -Conduct inspection -Inspection follow-up and notification or program maintenance.
Employee Training Extensive resources available. Identify basic requirements of program consistent with Phase II program. Example training may include: -Proper waste disposal. -Proper vehicle washing methods. -Spotting vehicle leak problems. -Salt storage and handling. -Disposal of catch basin debris. Extensive resources available. Identify basic requirements of program consistent with Phase II program. Example training may include: -Proper waste disposal. -Proper vehicle washing methods. -Spotting vehicle leak problems. -Salt storage and handling. -Disposal of catch basin debris.
Questions and Answers
End of Session 6 Session 7 – Keeping track of it All – Documentation and Reporting