Plant vs. Animal Cell
Animal Cells Plant Cell Centrioles Cell wall Large central vacuole Both: Nucleus, Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi apparatus, vesicles, cytoskeleton Plant Cell Cell wall Large central vacuole Plastids Animal Cells Centrioles
Cell Wall Structure: rigid layer of carbohydrates (cellulose) outside cell membrane Function: support and protection
Central Vacuole Structure: Large, fluid-filled organelle Function: Stores water, enzymes, metabolic wastes, and other materials Allows plant to stand upright Can make up 90% of the plant cell’s volume
Plastids What does this sound like? Structure Types of plastids: Double membrane Contain DNA Types of plastids: Chloroplast Chromoplast Amyloplasts What does this sound like?
Chloroplast Structure: Contains thylakoids (flattened, membranous sacs) Thylakoids contain chlorophyll (molecule that absorbs light energy for the cell) Function: Use light energy to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water = photosynthesis
Evolution of Plastids and Mitochondria = Endosymbiosis