C ell Transport Teachers' notes Lesson objectives Essential Question: How do cells exchange nutrients and waste with their environment? GPS: SB1. a. Explain the role of cell organelles for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including the cell membrane, in maintain homeostasis and cell reproduction.
Topic 2: Transport and Homeostasis A. The Cell Membrane and Homeostasis 1. If a cell can't adjust and respond to changes in their environment, then the cell can't survive because it can't maintain homeostasis. 2. Homeostasis is the ability of a cell or organism to maintain stable internal conditions despite changes in its environment. 3. It is important for a cell to control internal control internal concentrations of water, vitamins, and other nutrients while eliminating cellular wastes. 4. The functions of the cell membrane are: -protection -support -structure -regulates what materials enter and leave the cell 5. The property of the membrane that allows certain materials to pass through the cell while keeping others out is selective permeability. Other Important Information: *The cell membrane is made up of two layers of lipids called the lipid bilayer. *Proteins are embedded in the cell membrane to help the cell function.
B. Passive Transport 7. The movement of materials into or out of the cell without energy is passive transport. (moves from high to low concentration) 8.The three types of passive transport are diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion.
9. Diffusion * is the movement of substances across the cell membrane from and area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. (from more crowded to less crowded) *Particles continue to diffuse into or out of the cell until their concentration is the same on both sides of the cell membrane. (equilibrium)
10. Osmosis is the diffusion of WATER. a.. In a hypertonic solution, the concentration of solute outside the cell is higher than the concentration in the cytoplasm. (water moves out of the cell and it shrinks or shrivels) b.. In a hypotonic solution, the concentration of solute in the cytoplasm is higher than that outside the cell. (water moves into the cell causing the cell to swell and possibly burst) c. In an isotonic solution, there are equal concentrations on both sides of the membrane. (cell size stays the same)
11. Facilitated Diffusion occurs when a protein embedded in the cell membrane carries a substance across the membrane by diffusion.
Interactive Concepts in Biochemistry: Cellular Transport PASSIVE TRANSPORT Membrane proteins called _______________ facilitate the passage of molecules across a membrane. There are two types of transporters. ________________ transporters use _________ energy and __ ___________ transporters use energy called ____________ to "drive" the transport. __ ____________ permease is an example of passive transporter. Passive transport moves molecules from a ___________ concentration to a __________ concentration. Glucose permease is a type of transporter that allows molecules to move in __________ directions. When glucose permease was added to the membrane this caused water to pass in both directions and sugar from a _____________ concentration to a low concentration. transporters Passiveno active ATP Glucose higherlower both higher Drag each word to the proper location. Once completed use the eraser to reveal the answer. transporters Passive no active ATP Glucose higher lower both higher
Active Transport 13. Protein pumps, endocytosis, and exocytosis are all processes that us energy to transport materials into or out of the cell. 14. Active Transport is a process that drives large substances across the cell membrane from a region of low concentration to a region of high concentration. It requires energy!!!
15. Endocytosis is a process in which a cell surrounds and takes in material from its environment.
16. Exocytosis is a process in which a cell fuses with the cell membrane and releases materials from inside the cell.
Interactive Concepts in Biochemistry: Cellular Transport ACTIVE TRANSPORT Moves a solute from a _________________ concentration to a higher concentration but must consume ______________ to do this. lower ATP Drag each word to the proper location. Once completed use the eraser to reveal the answer. lower ATP
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