January 17, 2013 Dear Super Stars, Good Morning! Thank you for joining us for the Vocabulary Professional Development. Please sign-in and enjoy a treat. Did you remember to bring your Professional Learning Log? Sincerely, Mrs. Janz and Mrs. Porter
Good Morning …. My favorite thing to do on a snow day is….
Desired Outcomes 1.To articulate the importance of vocabulary instruction 2.To demonstrate understanding of the 3 Tiers of Words 3.To explain Marzano’s Six Steps for Vocabulary Instruction
Mini PD Norms Start and end on time Be an active participant Allow time for questions and discussions Take what you can use Be willing to try something new
MNPS Professional Development Vision Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools provides all stakeholders quality professional development for adult learning that results in the growth of the whole child and the improvement of student learning.
Maxwell Achievement Slogan Be your best - achieve success!
What’s Vocabulary ?
Vocabulary Knowledge Learning, as a language based activity, is fundamentally and profoundly dependent on vocabulary knowledge. Learners must have access to the meanings of words that teachers, or their surrogates (e.g., other adults, books, films, etc.) use to guide them into contemplating known concepts in novel ways (i.e., to learn something new). Baker, Simmons, & Kame’enui, 1998
Closing the Achievement Gap It is now well accepted that the chief cause of the achievement gap between socioeconomic groups is the language gap. - E.D. Hirsch (2003)
Meaningful Differences Free and Reduced Lunch at Maxwell – 77 %
Expectations for Maxwell Weekly list of grade level vocabulary words are included in lesson plan binder Weekly vocabulary words are posted in the classroom Explicit vocabulary instruction
Choosing Vocabulary Words Isabel Beck’s Three Tier Model for choosing vocabulary words from text. Tier 3 - Low Frequency Words Technical Words Tier 2 - Words to Teach High Frequency High Utility Tier 1 - Know, Common Words Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1
Tiers of Words Tier 1 Basic vocabulary – happy, cold, talk Clearly important – Especially for ELL’s Easy, decodable and already familiar Connected with prior knowledge Tier 2 High frequency – avoid, fortunate, industrious Play a large role in verbal functioning across a variety of domains Tier 3 Low frequency May be to specific domains
Tier 1, 2, 3 Sort Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 3 - Low Frequency Words Technical Words Tier 2 - Words to Teach High Frequency High Utility Tier 1 - Know, Common Words Activity: Sort the words into the appropriate tiers.
How to select vocabulary words… Standards Rl.2.3 Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song. Content Landforms, government, citizenship, cycle, hibernate, capacity
Selecting Words Select a handful of words to pre- teach Select words to pre-teach carefully Choose words that represent major concepts or key ideas in the story Choose words that not used in everyday language Don’t choose words where illustrations or context clues “teach” word meaning
Selecting Words Pre-teaching should be direct and brief Pre-taught words should be on individual word cards or presented only one at a time
Six Step Process for Teaching New Terms 1.Explain - Provide a description, explanation, or example of the new term 2.Restate - Ask students to restate the description, explanation, or example in their own words 3.Show - Ask students to construct a picture, symbol, or graphic representing the term
Six Step Process for Teaching New Terms 4.Activities- Engage students periodically in activities that help them add to their knowledge of the terms in their notebooks 5.Discuss - Periodically ask students to discuss the terms with one another 6.Games - Involve students periodically in games that allow them to play with terms
Word Wall - Art
Word Wall –P.E.
Word Wall - Art
Word Wall
Chunking Word Wall
Resources Games