ODOT/OCA Renewed Partnering Initiative Division of Construction Management
Renewed Partnering Initiative ODOT 2010-2011 Business Plan S E R V I C E Pledge Every Partner: I will remember that partnership is the key to success and help all members of Team ODOT succeed, along with all our public and private partners; 2010 Conaway Conference
Renewed Partnering Initiative Joint ODOT/OCA committee charged with responsibility of developing a renewed Partnering program for Ohio Build upon earlier work in Ohio using Caltrans’ “Alignment Partnering” process as a guide for change 2010 Conaway Conference
Renewed Partnering Initiative Senior Leadership Commitment ODOT Director, Chief of Staff, Chief Engineer and OCA President attended initial committee meeting and will attend future meetings Meaningful, effective transparent process Implement this construction season Project First Partnering 2010 Conaway Conference
Renewed Partnering Initiative what will be different? Alignment Partnering Old Process Day(s) for Kickoff meeting Charter Geared toward individual relationships Prescribed process Generally limited to ODOT and contractor No follow up past kickoff Limited process evaluation Hours for Kickoff meeting Goals Statement with Risks, constraints, opportunities Action Plan Geared to Project First Flexible Process Open to all important parties Kickoff plus structured follow up Measurements that can be: collected, analyzed, reported, used 2010 Conaway Conference
Renewed Partnering Initiative Data from Partnering survey currently being gathered ODOT staff OCA members Your response matters Reviewing programs from other states that are known to be successful Demonstration project in Columbus 2010 Conaway Conference
Renewed Partnering Initiative Deliverables Updated manual Plan for implementation Training 2010 Conaway Conference
Questions? 2010 Conaway Conference