ODOT Structure Project Management Seminar Bridge Preliminary Design Report
Project Development Process (Major) Step 8 Develop Stage 1 Design
Step 8: Prepare Environmental Clearance/Develop Stage 1 Design Submit CE, EA or Draft EIS for approval –If EIS, develop FEIS and circulate Request approval (CE/FONSI/ROD) Develop and submit Stage 1 detailed design Establish proposed R/W limits Conduct final (second) Value Engineering Study Prepare 404/401 Permit applications and draft Mitigation plans Cost Estimates/Schedule
Step 8- Stage 1 Detailed Design L&D Design Topics –Survey –Geometric –Drainage –Right of Way –Traffic Control –Environmental –Structures Preliminary Structure Design Report (Previously TS&L) Step 8
202.2 BRIDGE PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Final Structure Site PlanSection B. Final Maintenance of Traffic PlanSection C. Foundation ReportSection D.Supplemental Site Plan for Railway Crossings Section E.Response to Step 7 review comments Tell the story how the preferred alternative was decided upon Compliance with all review comments Update cost estimate (Provide breakdown of cost for aesthetic considerations, if applicable)
202.2 BRIDGE PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A.Final Structure Site PlanSection Site plan should be further developed to contain all the BDM requirements, finalize bridge spans and limits Preliminary Design Checklist B. Final Maintenance of Traffic PlanSection C. Foundation ReportSection D. Supplemental Site Plan for Railway Crossings Section
202.2 BRIDGE PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A.Final Structure Site PlanSection B.Final Maintenance of Traffic PlanSection In addition to the Preliminary Maintenance of Traffic Plan requirements, the Final Maintenance of Traffic Plan should include the following information: Plan views and preliminary working drawings to ensure constructability Temporary barrier anchorage details and requirements Location and type of temporary shoring (See Section 208) Location of structural members that require strengthening Temporary structure design information (See Section 500) Additional notes and/or details necessary C. Foundation ReportSection D. Supplemental Site Plan for Railway Crossings Section
202.2 BRIDGE PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Final Structure Site PlanSection B.Final Maintenance of Traffic PlanSection C.Foundation ReportSection D.Supplemental Site Plan for Railway Crossings Section
202.2 BRIDGE PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Final Structure Site PlanSection B. Final Maintenance of Traffic PlanSection C.Foundation ReportSection D.Supplemental Site Plan for Railway Crossings Section Drainage Disturbance of railroad operations – fiber optic lines Provide ample information so the Railroad Company can adequately locate crossing Temporary shoring concerns and how it affects the railroad operations