Welcome Ewa Beach Elementary/ Keone`ula Elementary Schools Community Informational Meeting on Re-zoning 9/15/11
Presenters: Annette Nishikawa, Complex Area Superintendent Sherry Kobayashi, Principal Ewa Beach Elementary School Eileen Hirota, Principal Keone`ula Elementary School
Purpose of meeting Inform the community about the need to re-zone the area schools Share data from both schools Inform the community about the affected area and the effective date Inform the area of future changes
Logistics Begin at 7:00 p.m. End 8:00 p.m. Bathroom facilities
Ground Rules of Participation Listen to understand Speak to be understood Be respectful of all
Grandfather Clause Created in May,2007 Allowed certain areas to attend either Ewa Beach Elementary School or Keoneula Elementary
Ewa Beach, Ewa Beach / Keoneula, and Keoneula Service Areas
EBES Student Residency Ewa Beach320 Ewa Beach / Keoneula240 Keoneula 19 Other 59 Total638 (as of 8/1/11) Today 589
Keone`ula Student Residency Ewa Beach 6 Ewa Beach / Keoneula144 Keoneula676 Other 22 Total848 (as of 8/1/11) Today 886
Summary of Total Enrollment EBES (today) 589 Capacity 759 Difference Keone`ula (today) 886 Capacity 738 Difference +148
New Zone Residents who live in the grandfathered area southwest of Ewa Beach Elementary will attend EBES in SY Kealohi Kai 3D, 3E See colored map
Exception 6 th graders who will complete their 6 th grade year in SY will be allowed to remain at Keone`ula
Ewa Beach, Ewa Beach / Keoneula, and Keoneula Service Areas
Campbell Complex Elementary Enrollment/Capacity/Difference (today) Ewa Beach Ewa Holomua (MT) Iroquois Pt Kaimiloa Keone`ula Pohakea
Classroom Shortages (rounded) Ewa El-2 Holomua-12 (no space for construction) Keone`ula-5 (4 portables are in planning stage and may be available next year)
The Future Development depends on the economy Unit sales depends on the economy Number of families per household depends on economy (seeing multi-generational households) Number of children predictable if 1 family per household Next re-zoning depends on numbers
Gentry Developments
Future Options Continue to re-zone EBES & Keone`ula periodically Build classrooms to end shortages on elementary campuses Look at the entire Campbell Complex elementary schools to re-zone the entire complex K-6 Build 3 rd wing of EMMS; add grade 6 from all schools Convert Ilima Intermediate to MS (Gr. 6-8) Elementary = K-5 Holomua to regular calendar Disruptive to families Money ?? :<( Another disruption to families Legislative support needed No cost for facilities
JCHS Concern Current enrollment2768 Facility capacity2022 Difference+746 There is no land for further construction.
CAS/DOE Recommendation #1 Convince the Legislature to finance completion of EMMS (2 - 3 yr) Move all grade 6 students to EMMS and Ilima (middle school) Re-zone entire complex for equity in elementary schools Return Holomua to regular calendar
CAS Recommendation #2 Convince the Legislature to finance completion of EMMS Move all grade 6 to EMMS and Ilima Re-zone entire complex for equity in elementary schools Close Pohakea; facility to JCHS. Return Holomua to regular calendar
What You Can Do Write comments/suggestions (paper provided) Lobby the Legislature to complete EMMS
Tonight’s Information School web sites Ewabeach.k12.hi.us Keoneula.k12.hi.us or Keoneulaes.org