Jeopardy Hard ?sReally Hard ?s Super Hard ?s Extremely hard ?s Outrageously Hard ?s Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Hard ?s The historical belief that Jesus was resurrected and that His people will someday be resurrected.
$100 Answer from Hard ?s What is historical resurrection?
$200 Question from Hard ?s History is progressing in a straight line toward a specific end or goal.
$200 Answer from Hard ?s What is a linear view of history?
$300 Question from Hard ?s Evidence outside of the Bible that confirms the historical reliability of the Scriptures.
$300 Answer from Hard ?s What is external evidence?
$400 Question from Hard ?s Lines of evidence from the Scriptures that support the claims of the Bible.
$400 Answer from Hard ?s What is Internal Evidence?
$500 Question from Hard ?s A mistake made in thinking where someone tries to prove a point by restating it.
$500 Answer from Hard ?s What is circular reasoning?
$100 Question from Really Hard ?s Some people object to the accuracy of the scriptures because the early Christians appear to have written after Christ’s death. The problem(s) with this objection is/are:
$100 Answer from Really Hard ?s What are the people in that culture had highly cultivated memories, Jesus’ saying are in short and poetic form, and the people of that time paid careful attention to the words of their rabbi?
$200 Question from Really Hard ?s When I offer up evidence as the thing which I am trying to prove, I fall into this trap.
$200 Answer from Really Hard ?s What is circular reasoning?
$300 Question from Really Hard ?s Jerusalem fell in this year.
$300 Answer from Really Hard ?s What is 70AD?
$400 Question from Really Hard ?s The disciples believed that Jesus had risen from the grave. It is difficult to imagine that they would have done what for a lie.
$400 Answer from Really Hard ?s What is that they died for a lie?
$500 Question from Really Hard ?s The entire Christian worldview stands or falls on this. Explain.
$500 Answer from Really Hard ?s What is that Christ lived, died, and was resurrected? If it is not true, then there is no Christianity.
$100 Question from Super Hard ?s The Christian view of history can be summed up in four parts. List these parts and give a brief summary of each one.
$100 Answer from Super Hard ?s What are: Creation – everything began at the beginning when God created all things. Fall – Humans disobeyed God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thus bringing a curse upon the land, separation from God and a sinful nature to human beings. Redemption – God sent His Son to redeem us of our sins Consummation – At an appointed time God will bring all humanity before Jesus to be judged. Those who have faith in Christ Jesus will be set apart for external life, with others set aside for eternal destruction. Full redemption takes place in the resurrection of our bodies and the renewal of heaven and earth, with no more curse?
$200 Question from Super Hard ?s Briefly describe the two pieces of external archaeological evidence mentioned in the text.
$200 Answer from Super Hard ?s What are Peter’s house and the stone tablet with Pontius Pilate’s name inscribed?
$300 Question from Super Hard ?s Concerning Paul and James, give two reasons for why we should believe the resurrection was a real event in history.
$300 Answer from Super Hard ?s What is The transformation of Paul from being one of the early Church’s greatest persecutors to becoming one of its greatest champions. He ultimately died for his belief. Also, James, someone who actually grew up with Jesus but did not believe He was the Messiah, had a radical change of heart after the resurrection and became the leader of the church in Jerusalem. He ultimately died for his belief?
$400 Question from Super Hard ?s Name and explain the theories against the resurrection.
$400 Answer from Super Hard ?s What are: The Fraud Theory – that Jesus’ followers either lied, stole His body, or both. The Swoon Theory – Jesus didn’t die but fainted and was later revived. The Hallucination Theory – Jesus’ followers were hallucinating when they thought they saw the risen Jesus. The Wrong Tomb Theory – everyone involved failed to locate the correct burial chamber. The Spiritual Resurrection Theory – Jesus rose from the dead spiritually and not bodily?
$500 Question from Super Hard ?s This religion believes that Jesus’ work was not complete.
$500 Answer from Super Hard ?s What is the Unification Church?
$100 Question from Extremely hard ?s This religion believes in nirvana, a state where the physical will no longer exist.
$100 Answer from Extremely hard ?s What is Buddhism?
$200 Question from Extremely hard ?s This religion believes that deeds will be weighed after death, and salvation granted if the good outweighs the bad.
$200 Answer from Extremely hard ?s What is Islam?
$300 Question from Extremely hard ?s This religion believes that God is just an exalted man and that humans can become god.
$300 Answer from Extremely hard ?s What is Mormonism.
$400 Question from Extremely hard ?s This religion believes that God is spirit, matter is evil, and sin is an imaginary illness.
$400 Answer from Extremely hard ?s What is Christian Science?
$500 Question from Extremely hard ?s This religion believes that Jesus was not divine, thus eliminating His work in salvation.
$500 Answer from Extremely hard ?s What are Jehovah’s Witnesses?
$100 Question from Outrageously Hard ?s This religion believes that Jesus’ work was not complete.
$100 Answer from Outrageously Hard ?s What is the Unification Church?
$200 Question from Outrageously Hard ?s The study of past people, places, and events.
$200 Answer from Outrageously Hard ?s What is history?
$300 Question from Outrageously Hard ?s True or False: Christians believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible.
$300 Answer from Outrageously Hard ?s What is true?
$400 Question from Outrageously Hard ?s True or False: A Christian worldview gives us the proper context for understanding the over- arching story of history.
$400 Answer from Outrageously Hard ?s What is True?
$500 Question from Outrageously Hard ?s True or False: The New Testament authors were not interested in preserving history.
$500 Answer from Outrageously Hard ?s What is False?
Final Jeopardy True or False: The early Christians appealed to eyewitness knowledge from both believers and unbelievers.
Final Jeopardy Answer What is True?