American Religion/Reform
Separatists v Puritans Separatists: total break from King of England, do not recognize his authority- Plymouth Colony Puritans: recognize rights of King, purify the church- Massachusetts Bay, eventually annexes Plymouth
First Great Awakening Effects of Enlightenment New Light vs Old Light New denominations: Congregationalists, Anglicans, Methodists Universities begin Emotional Religion First large scale movement in colonies Jeremiads- Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield Reaching out to American Indians: praying towns
Second Great Awakening Mormonism Unitarianism Transcendentalism Circuit Rides and revivals Burned over district Peter Cartwright and Charles Grandison Finney Advertises to women and African Americans Uses song and emotion New denominations: Seventh Day Adventists, Church of Christ, Christian Church Utopian communities: Shakers, Oneida Social Gospel
1920s Scopes Trial: Fundamentalism v Modernism
Temperance Beecher Family Women’s Christian Temperance Movement and Frances Willard Carries Nation Prohibition- 19 th amendment
Abolition William Lloyd Garrison and the Liberator Transcendentalism Frederick Douglass and the North Star Grimke sisters, Theodore Dwight Weld American Colonization Society Harriet Tubman John Brown and violent abolition
Suffrage Susan B. Anthony Seneca Falls Catharine Chapman Catt, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton 19 th Amendment
Movements Great Migration Movement West- 49ers, Mexican Cession, Oregon Trail, Railroads, Mormon Pioneers First Great Migration – WWI Post WWII movements- Suburbs, Sunbelt, Rustbelt