Rachel Bryan and Kate Barnes
A literary and philosophical movement associated with 19 th century writers and a small but active circle of New England educators, religious leaders, and social reformers during the time. Began as a discussion club, but grew to affect the beliefs of later U.S writers and Americans in general. Its main ideas and concerns (individualism, self-improvement, spiritualism, and moral protest) are still part of U.S. cultural practices and political attitudes.
THOREAUHIS WORK One of the loudest Transcendental voices Secluded himself in a cabin above Walden pond where he wrote his most famous work, Walden. Although not seen as an exemplary figure of Transcendentalist views during his time, Thoreau is now considered the philosophical model of a Transcendentalist in the mid 19 th century. Thoreau preached religious tolerance, moral soundness, love of nature, and the right to disobey unjust authority. His most famous writings were Walden and Resistance to Civil Government. Three thousand copies of Walden were printed, but fewer than three hundred copies were sold. Walden is now regarded as one of the most monumental pieces of literature.
Idealism The loud Transcendental figures such as Whitman and Emerson had religions, but did celebrate physical relationships. “Yet each of these figures shared a fundamental belief in a higher reality of ideas--in a metaphysical realm of spirit that is screened, and yet symbolically revealed, by the material world.” Pantheism Also known as “Natural Supernaturalism,” and considered by some as an American natural religion. Similar to the Deist of the 18 th century, the universe and Enlightenment theories were extremely influential. Optimism Transcendentalist were overall optimists in that they knew the hardships of the human experience, but were convinced of the essential goodness and purposefulness of life.
By many, transcendentalist figures were seen as questionable and “conspirators.” However, most people looked at transcendentalists as doing something worth doing, but it just wasn’t for them, much like we look at the hippies from the 1960s. Edgar Allan Poe severely criticized the movement, calling its members “frogpondians” and discredited their writings as “mysticism for mysticism’s sake.” He wrote a short story attacking the movement, referring to it as a disease. One of Nathanial Hawthorne’s more popular novels, The Blithedale Romance, criticizes his short encounter with Brook Farm, a failed Utopian Society.
Brook Farm, New Harmony, Oneida, Shakers, and Mormons
The western idea of utopian societies originated from ancient times– such as in the Garden of Eden and the Golden Age of Greek mythology. The word “Utopia” originated from a 16 th century writer who introduced the word as a fictional paradisal island in the Atlantic ocean. Deism, the second Great Awakening, and Enlightenment philosophies prepared the western world for Transcendentalist thought.
West Roxbury, Massachusetts Organized by George Ripley Many famous names held shares in Brook Farm; e.g. Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Margaret Fuller. The community provided all necessities and education for its members. A fire that burned down a brand new building, financial trouble, and a suit by Nathanial Hawthorne to regain his investment in the site led to its end in Fueled Hawthorne’s novel The Blithedale Romance.
John Humphrey Noyes Born in Brattleboro, Vermont in 1811 Joined Andover Theological Seminary in November of 1831 Became involved in the nascent abolitionist movement Founded the New Haven Anti- Slavery society and New Haven free church where he preached his radical beliefs. Great emphasis on perfection being attainable in this life. Onedia Community Mansion House, Madison County, New Yorkhttp://
His followers; Became known as Perfectionists. Practiced “complex marriage” and considered themselves married to the group, not one partner. Practiced “bible communism” Members were not accepted by the community of Putney, New York, so the group moved to Madison in 1847 Whole community lived together in one house in the 1850s Ate communal meals, worked together to raise and educate children, and collaborated to achieve manufacturing success. At it’s height 270 members lived together in the house. In 1847 a meeting of ministers was held in Syracuse where the community was condemned. Mede members uneasy, and Noyes fled to Canada on June 29, 1879 The community was officially ended in January 1881 when reconstructed as a Joint Stock Company.
Beliefs; Communal Living Productive labor Celibacy Abstaining from marriage and sexual relationships for religious reasons. Pacifism The belief that violence, including war, is unjustifiable under any circumstances, and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means. Equality of sexes formally known as the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Coming
6000 members before the civil war Successful in making items for the outside commercial world Moved focus from agriculture to handicrafts e.g Furniture Became known as “Shaker Style” Had two main communities Began in 1780s, but peaked from Lived in same sex housing Worked in it’s garden-seed industry
Community had 15 buildings: The Great Stone Dwelling The Stone Mille Building The West Meadow Barn Laundry and Dairy The East Brethren’s Shop Mary Keane Chapel Ministry House West Brethren’s House The inside makeup of a Utopian Society Hancock Shaker Village Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village Last remaining community
“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7, Book of Mormon Held the common Christian ideas until the early 1800s, when they believed Joseph Smith was a prophet. Joseph Smith was considered a prophet similar to Moses or Abraham. God had always sent messengers to tech His plan. The Mormons believed God gave Joseph Smith permission to baptize and teach others the steps they needed to take in order to return to live with God.
Considered a continuation of the Bible The book of Mormon contains the history and God’s word between 600BC and 400 AD. Compiled by a man named Mormon onto golden plates. The book of Mormon answers ‘questions of the soul’ 1. “Is there really a God?” 2. “Did I exist before I was born?” 3. “What happens after I die?” 4. “Does my life have a purpose?” Divided into books like the bible
Second President of the Mormon church Born June 1 st 1801 Died August 29 th 1877 Years as President Brigham Young University Multiple Universities founded and directed by the church “'Mormonism' has made me all I am; and the grace, the power, and the wisdom of God will make me all that I ever will be, either in time or in eternity.”
A branch of Mormon faith Belief statement “We are all spiritual children of a loving Heavenly Father who sent us to this earth to learn and grow in a mortal state. As Mormons, we are followers of Jesus Christ. We live our lives to serve Him and teach of His eternal plan for each of us.”
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