Navy Pride and Professionalism Lesson 1.3 Communication and Conflict Management Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-1
Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn the components of verbal and non-verbal communication, how those components can help prevent or manage conflict, and how conflict can be resolved in the Navy. Photo Source: Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-2
Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 3
Non-Verbal Communication Factors other than words help determine what a sender means and a receiver should understand What are some examples? Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-4
Non-Verbal Cues Personal Space – Our “bubble” Gestures Eye Contact Intimate Zone Personal Zone Social Zone Gestures Eye Contact Tone of Voice Facial Expression Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-5
What do these facial expressions say? Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-6
Terms Used in Conflict Management Anger Aggression Assertive Suppressing Expressing Calming Stress Antagonistic Disagreement Opposition Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-7
A Good Definition of Conflict Disagreements Interactions Disagreement or opposition Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-8
Destructive Conflict Diverts energy Destroys morale Hardens opposing positions in the group Produces irresponsible and regrettable behavior In extreme cases, can threaten survival of the group Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-9
Can conflict be constructive? Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-10
Ways Conflict Can Be Constructive Open up issues of importance Result in the solution of problems Increase the involvement of other individuals Cause a sincere desire to communicate Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-11
Ways Conflict Can Be Constructive Cont. Serve as a release to pent-up emotion, anxiety and stress Help build cohesiveness among people Help individuals grow personally Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-12
Conflict Resolution in the Navy Informal Resolution System (IRS) Formal Grievance Procedure Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-13
Informal Resolution System (IRS) IRS attempts to resolve disputes and complaints within the chain of command and at the lowest possible level The IRS is not a pre-requisite for filing a formal grievance Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-14
Resolution Options under IRS Two-party approach Three-party approach Commanding Officer’s Request Mast Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-15
Formal Grievances If a conflict cannot be settled informally, there are channels for filing a formal grievance If you are involved in a dispute or have a complaint that involves criminal acts, report it to the Navy Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-16
Navy Core Values and Communication Honor Courage Commitment Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-17
Summary Communication Process Non-Verbal Communication Destructive and Constructive Conflict Informal Resolution System (IRS) and Formal Grievance Procedures Navy Pride and Professionalism – Communication and Conflict Management 1-3-18