Wyoming State characteristics Conservation practices CNMP Planning and Implementation Partnership EQIP WY DEQ
Wyoming State Characteristics Climate Elevation Precipitation Temperature Agriculture Cropland Livestock
Wyoming Climate The climate of any area in Wyoming is largely determined by its latitude, altitude, and the elevation. Most is adapted to cool season crops but the southeast corner is adapted to warm season crops. Annual precipitation averages 15.45” however most cropland areas range from 7” to 15” so the majority of cropland is irrigated. Temperature can vary from below 20 o F in the winter to above 90 o F in the summer, however the average temperature is 45.6 o F for Wyoming.
Wyoming Growing Season Varies Wyoming has the second highest mean elevation in the United States at 6,700 feet above sea level. The highest point of elevation is Gannett Peak at 13,804 feet in the west and the lowest point is near Devil’s Tower at 3,125 feet in the east. Consequently, the growing season ranges from 140 days in the eastern side of the state to 60 days in the higher elevation or central and western part of the state.
Wyoming Agriculture Wyoming is the 9th largest state Forty-two percent of the land is owned by the federal government. Wyoming has the 23 counties 11,000 farms with an average size of 2,726 acres Most permitted CAFO locations are located in the southeast area of the state.
WY Crop Production WY ranks 8th nationwide in barley production 20th in Hay 33rd in wheat. Wyoming also produces dry edible beans, sugarbeets and corn silage Hay is the leading crop in Wyoming in terms of value of production.
Wyoming Livestock The cattle industry is by far the largest component of Wyoming agriculture with an inventory of 1,320,000. Milk cows 5,300. Wyoming is ranked 4 th in lambs and sheep. with 375,000 head. Hogs and pigs 2009 inventory was at 87,000. Horses and ponies is at 80,476. Chickens is at 13,000. Milk Goats at 1,700 - Meat/Other at 7,000.
Partners: CAFO Permitted Facility Team Review Producer/Owner - WY DEQ - NRCS/TSP
CNMP Planning &Implementation National CNMP Template * NRCS/TSP Nut Mgmt Specialist * NRCS/TSP State Licensed Engineer Narrative Approach Verify adequate collection, handling, storage, and /or treatment of manure.
WY National CNMP Template Background and Site Information Manure Handling and Storage Farmstead Safety and Security Land Treatment Practices Nutrient Management Soil and Risk Assessment Record Keeping Feed Management (optional) Other Utilization Options WY isn’t budgeted for MMP until 2012
WY NRCS Conservation Practices Sediment Basin (350) Diversion (362) Vegetated Treatment Area (VTA) (635) Waste Storage Facility (313) Nutrient Management (590)
TYPICAL WYOMING AG WASTE DESIGN Sediment basins temporarily retain water and are emptied into a liquid waste storage pond or pumped and land applied. Evaporation exceeds precipitation in Wyoming so many ponds are emptied through evaporation. Other waste storage ponds are pumped down with the liquid waste spread through irrigation systems.
The runoff from a facility is uniformly spread on to a Vegetated Treatment Area (Practice Code 635)
NRCS EQIP Program Statewide funding for Ag Waste Projects Statewide funding for CAP – CNMP plans CAP CNMP- Those with little or no issues will be ranked highest for CNMP-CAP Ag Waste Projects – Those with greatest water quality needs are ranked highest.
FUTURE CNMP EPA reducing the animal units ie:1000 to 500
FUTURE CNMP: AFO Most Ranches in Wyoming have traditionally placed their working corals on a water source.. Corrals have surface water source fenced into corral. Animals have direct access to surface water and all runoff goes into surface water
Air Quality
Wyoming DEQ/WYPDES Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
A View from above
Wyoming Geography 97,814 square miles 10 th largest state Mean Elevation 6700 feet 16 Major Watersheds 11 east of the national divide 5 west
Major Watersheds of Wyoming
25 Year / 24 Hour Event
WYPDES Program Wyoming Pollution Discharge and Elimination System Permitting Point Source Non-point Source Compliance Sampling Inspections Minor Enforcement Enforcement Elevated Enforcement
Compliance Program 1650 point source permits 2150 non-point source permits 6 Compliance Inspectors – 2 CAFO Inspectors - 50 point source - 50 non-point source (storm water) - 20 CAFO
CAFO Permits 51 CAFO permits statewide 44 Beef Cattle 4 Hog 1 Dairy 1 Sheep 1 Horse (pending)
2008 Final Rule DEQ/NRCS site visits - all permits expiring in the upcoming year. - collaboration of NRCS agronomy/technicians/engineers with DEQ permit writers and inspectors Public notice of NMP Revised annual report - contains all the components of the existing report - provide an outline of nutrient management for the upcoming production year - filing date of April 15th
Revised Annual Report Goals - Reduce reporting errors - Provide a more complete “snapshot” of nutrient management for the upcoming production year - User friendly * drop down selection * worksheets
Revised Annual Report
Wyoming DEQ Brian Lovett - Compliance Supervisor/Project Manager Jim Eisenhauer - Inspection Program Coordinator Jon Deutscher - CAFO Program Lead Inspector