Johannesburg 82 Nugget Street Zoning: General Gla m² Stands Johannesburg Comprises more than half the block. Rates and taxes are R per annum
Johannesburg 82 Nugget Street Property information The property consists of the following; 3 x floors of parking in the basement Cars per floor. The ground floor is made up of various commercial tenants. 5 x floors of storage space. 2 x floors storage units in the building on nugget street. The total gla of the property is m2 The gross income is R164, per month with vacant space making a potential of R250, per month. ALTHOUGH CARE HAS BEEN TAKEN INTO ASSEMBLING INFORMATION, PARK VILLAGE AUCTIONS CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OMMISSIONS ON BEHALF OF THE SELLER
Corner Kerk and Nugget Street Johannesburg 82 Nugget Street
Johannesburg 82 Nugget Street
The 5 storey building continues from corner Kerk to Jeppe street The 5 Storey Building continues Johannesburg 82 Nugget Street
Three floors of parking For potential residents Johannesburg 82 Nugget Street
This building is on the corner of Jeppe and Nugget and consists of two floors of storage units and a ground floor of Commercial Tenants Johannesburg 82 Nugget Street
Emzed House 82 Nugget Street Corners Kerk, Nugget and Jeppe Streets Property information sheet ALTHOUGH CARE HAS BEEN TAKEN INTO ASSEMBLING INFORMATION, PVA CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OMMISSIONS ON BEHALF OF THE SELLER Physical address 82 Nugget Street Township Johannesburg Zoning General Total lettable area ±16 000m² Current use of property Leases on a 6 monthly basis storage Areas Legal identification Stands Registered servitudes/restrictions No restrictions Municipal authority Johannesburg Land size 3967m² The upper floors are currently let as storage units to various clients. The ground floor to various Commercial tenants and the basement used as Parking. The potential is for residential with parking and shops on the ground floor