Speaker Biography SEAN MEDDLES Sean is a Bridge Standards Engineer in the Structural Engineering office at ODOT and his duties include: 1. Maintaining Standard Bridge Drawings, Design Data Sheets and Plan Insert Sheets 2. Maintaining ODOT Bridge Design Manual 3. Serving as a member of Structures Subcommittee for ODOT CMS
Speaker Biography DAVE TRAINI Dave has over 20 years of experience in managing, designing and reviewing highway structures and was the Assistant Administrator for Bridge Design in the Office of Structural Engineering at ODOT – Central Office He is qualified as a Level 3 bridge designer and has extensive knowledge in hydraulics, foundation, and all aspects of structural design. He is a charter member of the Value Engineering design team evaluating projects that cost in excess of 25 million and was recently appointed as a member of ODOTs Design/Build steering committee
Speaker Biography JEFF GRIFFIN Jeff has worked for B&N since 1981 and is a Project Manager in the Transportation Division He has been involved with the design, review, or management of bridge projects for the majority of his 24 year career He has reviewed preliminary and final plan submittals for hundreds of projects across Ohio as part of ODOT's bridge replacement program
Speaker Biography RICK ENGEL Rick has served with the ODOT for over 29 years and his experience includes involvement in the design of over 2000 bridge and retaining wall projects As the Administrator for the Office of Structural Engineering for two years, he had managing oversight of the OSE Rick has served on numerous committees affiliated with TRB, NCHRP, and AASHTO Technical Working Groups. He also was Project Manager for 25 geotechnical research efforts The past 4 years have been spent with EL Robinson Engineering
Speaker Biography HEIDI NUNEMAKER Heidi has served as Management Analyst Supervisor at ODOT for nearly 4 years and also serves as the railroad coordinator and liaison She formulates policy and operational procedures for statewide guidelines for administration and coordination of highway construction projects that affect railroad systems; reviews and interprets administrative code, Ohio Revised Code, and federal code pertaining to railroad/highway guidelines
Speaker Biography HEIDI NUNEMAKER - Continued In addition, she manages programs, prepares &/or reviews necessary engineering, construction and accounting documents, reviews encumbrance estimates for railroad work, and writes, distributes, and ensures authorization of all railroad construction agreements and pertinent special clauses She also prepares periodic reports utilizing railroad coordination database to track projects through project development
Speaker Biography TRAVIS BUTZ Travis Butz has worked for B&N for 8 years and is a bridge designer in B&N's Columbus office His work has focused mainly in the design of ODOT bridges and bridges for Ohio counties He has performed hydraulic analyses on numerous Ohio bridges and was a co-presenter for the "The Application of HEC- RAS to Bridge Sites Short Course" presented by the Ohio LTAP Center in 2000 and 2001
Speaker Biography JOHN SHANKS John has 24 years experience in structural engineering and is a project manager and lead designer in the Bridge Design Section of B&N's Columbus office For the past 17 years he has been involved in designing, reviewing, or managing bridge projects for ODOT and other agencies He has reviewed hundreds of ODOT bridge preliminary and final plan submittals as part of B&N's plan review contracts with ODOT
Speaker Biography TOM BOLTE Tom has worked for B&N for 24 years and is Director of the Bridge Group in B&N's Columbus office Most of his career has involved designing, reviewing, or managing ODOT bridge projects He has reviewed hundreds of ODOT bridge preliminary and final plan submittals as part of B&N's plan review contracts with ODOT
Speaker Biography MIKE KILLIAN Has worked as a Bridge Design Engineer at Burgess & Niple for the past 12 years Recently, Mike has worked on a statewide load rating project as a consultant to the ODOT Office of Structural Engineering Through that project as well as other projects both nationally and internationally, Mike has loaded rated upwards of 1,300 structures